ADAMIV Volodymyr Teodorovych

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Senior Researcher
Date of birth 03.03.1953

1971 – 1976 – Ivan Franko Lviv State University, Faculty of Physics; Specialty – physicist, semiconductor physics;
1999 – defense of the candidate’s thesis “Optical-physical properties of BaB2O4 single crystals grown in alpha and beta phases”, specialty – “Optics, laser physics”;
2001 – Senior Researcher was awarded the scientific title;
2012 – defense of doctoral dissertation on the topic “Isovalently substituted borates of lithium and barium: synthesis, structural features and physical properties”. Specialty 01.04.10 – physics of semiconductors and dielectrics.
1976 – 1978 – teacher of high school physics;
1978 – 1992 – engineer, senior engineer, leading engineer of the Lviv Research Institute of Materials;
since 1992 – Institute of Physical Optics of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Researcher, Senior Researcher.
Since 2007 Head of the crystal growth sector of the Institute of Physical Optics of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Head of the Department of Material Science from 01.01.2015
Scientific interests:
Synthesis, cultivation and study of the physical properties of oxide monocrystals, in particular the family of anhydrous borates
1971 – 1976 – Ivan Franko Lviv State University, Faculty of Physics; Specialty – physicist, semiconductor physics;
1999 – defense of the candidate’s thesis “Optical-physical properties of BaB2O4 single crystals grown in alpha and beta phases”, specialty – “Optics, laser physics”;
2001 – Senior Researcher was awarded the scientific title;
2012 – defense of doctoral dissertation on the topic “Isovalently substituted borates of lithium and barium: synthesis, structural features and physical properties”. Specialty 01.04.10 – physics of semiconductors and dielectrics.
1976 – 1978 – teacher of high school physics;
1978 – 1992 – engineer, senior engineer, leading engineer of the Lviv Research Institute of Materials;
since 1992 – Institute of Physical Optics of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Researcher, Senior Researcher.
Since 2007 Head of the crystal growth sector of the Institute of Physical Optics of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Head of the Department of Material Science from 01.01.2015
Scientific interests:
Synthesis, cultivation and study of the physical properties of oxide monocrystals, in particular the family of anhydrous borates
Selected Publications (1997-2009)
- V.T.Adamiv, Ya.V.Burak, M.Czerwinski Ya.Kasperczyk, I.V.Kityk, R.Smok, / Nonlinear optical properties of Li2B4O7 singl crystals doped with potassium and silver // Optical materials (NL) – 1997. – v.8, N3. – p.207-213.
- A.S. Andrushchak, V.T. Adamiv, O.M. Krupych, I.Yu. Martynyuk-Lototska, Ya.V. Burak and R.O. Vlokh. Anisotropy of Piezo- and Elastooptical Effect in ?-BaB2O4 Crystals // Ferroelectrics. 328, 299-305 (2000).
- Adamiv V.T., Burak Ya.V., Antonyak O.T., Pidzyrailo M.S. / Thermoluminescence on Polar and Nonpolar Phases of BaB2O4 Crystals. // Ferroelectrics. – 2001. – Vol.254. – Р.143-150.
- A.S.Andruschak, Ya.V.Bobitski, M.V.Kaidan, V.T.Adamiv, Ya.V.Burak, B.G.Mytsyk. Photoelastic properties of the beta barium borate crystals. Optica Applicata – v.33,N2-3.-p.345-357.
- Ya.V.Burak, V.T.Adamiv, I.M.Teslyuk, V. M. Shevel / Optical absorption of isotopically enriched Li2B4O7 single crystals irradiated by thermal neutrons. // Radiation measurements.- 2004. – v.38, N4-6. – P.681-684.
- V.T.Adamiv, Ya.V.Burak, M.M.Romanyuk, G.M.Romanyuk, I.M.Teslyuk / Transmission and Dispersion of Refractive Indices in Nonlinear Optical CsLiB6O10 Single Crystals // Ferroelectrics. – 2005. v.316, – pp. 147-151.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Growth and properties of new nonlinear LiKB4O7 single crystals // Journal of Crystal Growth . – 2006. – v. 289, № 1, – pp. 157-160.
- M. Панасюк, В. Капустяник, В. Цибульский, Я. Бурак, В. Адамів, I. Теслюк. / Термостимульовані струми та релаксаційні процеси в монокристалах ?-BaB2O4 // Журнал фізичних досліджень – 2006. – т.10, №.2. – С.123-126.
- Adamiv V.T., Burak Ya.V., Romanyuk M.M., Romanyuk G.M. and Teslyuk I.M. / New Nonlinear Optical LiKB4O7 Single Crystals: Dispersion of Refractive Indices // Optical Materials – 2007. – v.29, N 11. – P. 1501-1504.
- Mys O., Adamiv V., Martynyuk-Lototska I., Burak Ya. and Vlokh R. / Piezooptic and Acoustic Properties of LiKB4O7 Crystals // Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. – 2007. – v.8, N3. – P.138-142.
- V.T. Adamiv, О.Т. Аntonyak, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / X–ray and Thermoluminescence of LiKB4O7 Single Crystals // J.Luminescence. – 2008. – V.128, N3. – P.549 – 552.
- V.T. Adamiv / Optical, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Nonlinear LiKB4O7 Crystals // Crystallography Reports. – 2008. – V.53, N3. – P.488 – 492.
- V.T. Adamiv / Transparency and Temperature-Induced Variations of Birefringence in LiKB4O7 Crystals // Technical Physics Letters. – 2008. – Vol.34, No. 9. – P.812 – 814.
- K. Nouneh, I.V. Kityk, K. Michalska-Ma?ecka, K. Ozga, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Temperature dependences of the second harmonic generation in the LiKB4O7 single crystals // Laser Physics – 2008. – v.18, N8 – P.965-967.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / The low-temperature change of the lattice parameters in LiKB4O7 single crystals // Phys.Stat.Sol. – 2009. – V.B246, N2. – P.361 – 363.
- V.T. Adamiv, J. Ebothe, M. Piasecki, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk, K. Plucinski, Ali H. Resnak I.V. Kityk / “Triggering” effect of second harmonic generation in centrosymmetric ?-BaB2O4 crystals // Optical Material – 2009. – V.31, N 4. – P.685 – 687.
- V.T. Adamiv,Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / The crystal structure of Li2B4O7 compound in the temperature range 10 – 290 К // Journal of Alloys and Compounds – 2009. – v.475, N1-2.- P.869 – 873.
- A. Senyshyn, Ya. Burak, V. Adamiv, H. Fuess / Low Temperature Crystal Structure of Li2B4O7 // Acta Cryst. – 2009. – v. A65. – P. s213 – s214 (Suppl.).- 25th European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM 25, Эstanbul, 2009.
- V.T. Adamiv, V.P. Savchyn, P.V. Savchyn, I.M. Teslyuk, Ya.V. Burak / Influence of the isovalent doping for the cathodoluminescence of the Li2B4O7 single crystals // Functional Materials – 2009. – v.16, N3. – P. 247 – 252.
- David Wooten, I. Ketsman, Jie Xiao, Ya.B. Losovyj, J. Petrosky, J. McClory, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv, P.A. Dowben / The Surface Core Level Shift for Lithium at the Surface of Lithium Borate // Physica B. Condensed Matter – 2010. – v.405, N1. – P.461 – 464.
- I. Ketsman, D. Wooten, Jie Xiao, Ya.B. Losovyj, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv, A. Sokolov, J. Petrosky, J. McClory, and P.A. Dowben / The off-axis pyroelectric effect observed for lithium tetraborate // Physical Letters A – 2010. – v.374, N 6. – P.891 – 895.
- Kulyk B., Kapustianyk V., Burak Ya., Adamiv V., Sahraoui B. / Third harmonic generation in LiKB4O7 single crystal // Materials Chemistry and Physics – 2010. – v.120, N1. – P.114 – 117.
- B.V. Padlyak, W. Wojtowicz, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / EPR spectroscopy of the Mn2+ and Cu2+ centres in lithium and potassium – lithium tetraborate glasses // Acta Polonica A – 2010. – v.117, N1. – P.122-125.
- M.W. Swinney, J.W. McClory, J.C. Petrosky, Shan Yang, A.T. Brant, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, P.A. Dowben, L.E. Halliburton / Identification of electron and hole traps in lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals: Oxygen vacancies and lithium vacancies”
- // J.Appl.Phys.- 2010, V.107, 113715 – 9.
- B.V. Padlyak, W. Ryba-Romanowski, R.Lisiecki, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk, A. Banaszak-Piechowska / Optical spectra and luminescence kinetics of the Sm3+ and Yb3+ centers in the lithium tetraborate glasses // Optica Applicata – 2010, V.11, N2, P.427-438.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, D. Wooten, J. McClory, J. Petrosky, I. Ketsman, Jie Xiao, Ya.B. Losovyj, P.A. Dowben / The Electronic Structure and Secondary Pyroelectric Properties of Lithium Tetraborate // Review, Special Issue on “Advances in Ferroelectric& Piezoelectric Materials” Materials 2010, 3(9), 4550-4579; doi:10.3390/ma3094550.
- Adamiv, V; Teslyuk, I; Dyachok, Ya; Romanyuk, G; Krupych, O; Mys, O; Martynyuk-Lototska, I; Burak, Ya; Vlokh, R / Synthesis and optical characterisation of LiKB4O7, Li2B6O10 and LiCsB6O10 glasses // Applied Optics, 2010, V.49, N 28, P.5360-5365.
- В. Савчин, В. Адамів, Я. Бурак, І. Теслюк / Катодолюмінесценція BaB2O4:M2+ (M = Cd, Sr, Zn, Ca, Mg) // Фізика і хімія твердого тіла – 2010, т.11, №4, С.967-970.
- A. Senyshyn, B. Schwarz, T. Lorenz, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, J. Banys, R. Grigalaitis, L. Vasylechko, H. Ehrenberg, and H. Fuess / Low-temperature crystal structure, specific heat and dielectric properties of lithium tetraborate Li2B4O7 // Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, V.108, 093524-9; doi:10.1063/1.3504244 (9 pages)”.
- B.V. Padlyak, W. Ryba-Romanowski, R. Lisiecki, O. Smyrnov, A. Drzewiecki, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk, / Synthesis and Spectroskopy of Tetraborate Glasses Doped with Copper // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. – 2010, V.356, P.2033-2037.
- David Wooten, I. Ketsman, Jie Xiao, Ya.B. Losovyj, J. Petrosky, J. McClory, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv, James M. Brown, P.A. Dowben / The Electronic Structure of Li2B4O7 (110) and Li2B4O7 (100) // European Journal of Physics: Applied Physics, 2010, V.52, P.31601 (p1-p8).
- A.H. Reshak, G. Lakshminarayana, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv / Laser operated borate nanocomposites // Journal of Alloys and Compounds – 2011, V.509, P.1271-1274.
- Adamenko D., Adamiv V., Klymiv I. and Vlokh R. / Kerr and Faraday effects in borate glasses // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 2011, V12, №1, P. 1-9.
- Jie Xiao, N. Lozova, Ya.B. Losovyj, D. Wooten, I. Ketsman, M.W. Swinney, J. Petrosky, J. McClory, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv, A.T. Brant, and P.A. Dowben / Surface charging at the (100) surface of Cu doped and undoped Li2B4O7 // Applied Surface Science – 2011, V.257, N8, P.3399-3403.
- Ihor Ketsman, Yaroslav Losovyj, Volodymyr Adamiv, Yaroslav Burak, David Wooten, James Petrosky, John McClory, Peter Dowben / “The Electronic Structure and Properties of Different Surface Terminations of Li2B4O7 Single Crystal” // Meeting of American Physical Society, Dallas, USA, Session Y10 “Electronic Structure of Surfaces and Interfaces”, March 2011, Y10 12, P.588.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, G.M. Romanyuk, I.M. Teslyuk / Optical properties, electronic polarizability and optical basicity of lithium borate glasses // Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, – 2011, V.52 (4), P.152–156.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, M.M. Romanyuk, I.M. Teslyuk / Optical properties of alumina-bearing alkali and alkaline earth tetraborate glasses // Functional Materials – 2011. – V.18, N3. – P.298-303.
- A.T. Brant, B.E. Kananan, M.K. Murari, J.W. McClory, J.C. Petrosky, V.T.
- Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, P.A. Dowben, L.E. Halliburton / Electron and hole traps in Ag-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals // J. Appl. Phys. – 2011. – V. 110, N9. – Page 0937197-(1-7) (ID 115121JAP).
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Lithium borate glasses, as a new material for optical devices // “1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano- Optoelectronic Systems”, 7 – 9 December 2011, Bremen, Germany, paper 4696-Bremen 2011-004, – Abstract book – P.22.
- A.H. Reshak, G. Lakshminarayana, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv / Laser operated borate nanocomposites // Journal of Alloys and Compounds – 2011, V.509, P.1271-1274.
- Adamenko D., Adamiv V., Klymiv I. and Vlokh R. / Kerr and Faraday effects in borate glasses // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 2011, V12, №1, P. 1-9.
- Jie Xiao, N. Lozova, Ya.B. Losovyj, D. Wooten, I. Ketsman, M.W. Swinney, J. Petrosky, J. McClory, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv, A.T. Brant, and P.A. Dowben / Surface charging at the (100) surface of Cu doped and undoped Li2B4O7 // Applied Surface Science – 2011, V.257, N8, P.3399-3403.
- Ihor Ketsman, Yaroslav Losovyj, Volodymyr Adamiv, Yaroslav Burak, David Wooten, James Petrosky, John McClory, Peter Dowben / “The Electronic Structure and Properties of Different Surface Terminations of Li2B4O7 Single Crystal” // Meeting of American Physical Society, Dallas, USA, Session Y10 “Electronic Structure of Surfaces and Interfaces”, March 2011, Y10 12, P.588.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, G.M. Romanyuk, I.M. Teslyuk / Optical properties, electronic polarizability and optical basicity of lithium borate glasses // Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, – 2011, V.52 (4), P.152–156.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, M.M. Romanyuk, I.M. Teslyuk / Optical properties of alumina-bearing alkali and alkaline earth tetraborate glasses // Functional Materials – 2011. – V.18, N3. – P.298-303.
- A.T. Brant, B.E. Kananan, M.K. Murari, J.W. McClory, J.C. Petrosky, V.T.
- Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, P.A. Dowben, L.E. Halliburton / Electron and hole traps in Ag-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals // J. Appl. Phys. – 2011. – V. 110, N9. – Page 0937197-(1-7) (ID 115121JAP).
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Lithium borate glasses, as a new material for optical devices // “1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano- Optoelectronic Systems”, 7 – 9 December 2011, Bremen, Germany, paper 4696-Bremen 2011-004, – Abstract book – P.22.
- A. Senyshyn, H. Boysen, R. Niewa, J. Banys, M. Kinka, Ya. Burak, V. Adamiv, F. Izumi, I. Chumak, H. Fuess / High-temperature properties of lithium tetraborate Li2B4O7 // J.Phys. D: Appl.Phys. – 2012. – V.45, N17, Р. – 175305 (15 pp.).
- V. Adamiv, Ya. Burak, I. Teslyuk, B. Kulyk, V. Kapustianyk, B. Sahraoui / Third harmonic generation in Li2B4O7 single crystal // 6th International Workshop “Relaxed, nonlinear and acoustic optical processes and materials” – RNAOPM’2012 (Lutsk-Shatsk, May 25-29, 2012) – Proceedings – P.67-70.
- Bohdan V. Padlyak, Witold Ryba-Romanowski, Rados?aw Lisiecki, Bo?ena Pieprzyk, Adam Drzewiecki, Volodymyr T. Adamiv, Yaroslav V. Burak, Ihor M. Teslyuk / Synthesis and optical spectroscopy of the lithium tetraborate glasses, doped with terbium and disprosium // Optica Applicata. – 2012. – V.42, N2. – P.365-379.
- B.V. Padlyak, W. Ryba-Romanowski, R. Lisiecki,, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Synthesis, EPR and optical spectroscopy of the Cr-doped tetraborate glasses // Optical Materials – 2012. – V.34, N12. – P. 2112-2119.
- B.V. Padlyak, S.I. Mudry, Y.O. Kulyk, A. Drzewiecki, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Synthesis and X-ray structural investigation of undoped borates glasses // Material Science-Poland – 2012. – V.30,N3. – 264-273.
- B.V. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, M. Kolcun, “Optical harmonic transformations in borate glasses with Li2B4O7, LiKB4O7, CaB4O7, and LiCaBO3 compositions – Physica B: Condensed Matter. – 2013. – V.452, N1. – P.79-82.
- A.T. Brant, D.A. Buchanan, J.W. McClory, J.C. Petrosky, P.A. Dowben, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, and L.E. Halliburton // The Origin of Thermoluminescence in Cu-Doped Lithium Tetraborate (Li2B4O7) Crystals – J.Luminescence – 2013. – V.139, N1. – P.125-131.
- Christina Dugan, R. Hengehold, Steve R. McHale, Juan A. Col?n Santana, John W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, Ya. B. Losovyj and Peter A. Dowben / Reversible Mn Segregation at the Polar Surface of Lithium Tetraborate // Appl.Phys.Lett. – 2013. – V.102, N16. – P. 161602 (1 – 4).
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.S. Girnyk, I.M. Teslyuk / Thermal properties of alkaline and alkaline-earth borate glasses // Functional Materials – 2013. – V.20, N1. – P.52 – 58.
- Juan A. Colуn Santana, C. M. Young, J. W. McClory, J. C. Petrosky, X. Wang, P. Liu, Jinke Tang, V.T. Adamiv, Ya. V. Burak, Keisuke Fukutani, P.A. Dowben / Gamma and X-ray Sensitivity of Gd2O3 Heterojunctions // Radiation Measurements – 2013. – V.51-52, N1. – P.99-102.
- A. Drzewiecki, B. Padlyak, V. Adamiv, Ya. Burak, I. Teslyuk / EPR spectroscopy of Cu2+ and Mn2+ in borate glasses // Nucleonika – 2013. – V.58, N3. – P.379 – 385.
- T.D. Kelly, L. Kong, D.A. Buchanan, A.T. Brant, J.C. Petrosky, J.W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Y.V. Burak, P.A. Dowben / EXAFT and EPR analysis of the local structure of Mn-doped Li2B4O7 // Phys.Stat.Sol. B (2013) DOI 10.1002/pssp.201349013 – 2013, – V. 250, N7, – P. 1376 – 1383.
- I.M. Bolesta, O.O. Kushnir, I.I. Kolych, I.I. Syvorotka, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / АFМ investigations and plasmon spectra of silver clusters formed on Li2B4O7:Ag glass surface in reducing atmosphere // Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. – 2014. – V.6, N3. – P.326 – 332. (Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine).
- B.V. Padlyak, N.A. Sergeev, M. Olszewski, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak / 11B and 7Li MAS NMR spectroscopy of glassy and crystalline borat compound // Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B – 2014. – V.55, N1. – P.25-33.
- A.T. Brant, D.A. Buchanan, J.W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, L.E. Halliburton, and N.C. Giles / Photoluminescence from Ag2+ ions in lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals // J.Luminescence – 2014. – V.153, – P.79-84.
- В.Т. Адамів, Я.В. Бурак, І.М. Теслюк, І.Ю. Мартинюк-Лотоцька, О.Г. Мись, Р.О. Влох / Патент України на винахід №105356 ”Акустооптичний модулятор” // Інформація опублікована в “Промислова власність. Бюлетень” № 9, 12. 05. 2014 р.
- T.D. Kelly, J.C. Petrosky, J.W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, B.V. Padlyak, I.M. Teslyuk, Ning Lu, Lu Wang, Wai-Ning Mei, and P.A. Dowben / Rare Earth Dopant (Nd, Gd, Dy, and Er) Hybridization in Lithium Tetraborate // Frontiers in Physics, section Condensed Matter Physics, May 2014, – V.2. – Article 31. – P.1-10.
- doi:10.3389/fphy.2014.00031.
- V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Bolesta, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, I.D. Karbovnyk, I.I. Kolych, M.G. Kovalchuk, O.O. Kushnir, M.V. Periv, I.M. Teslyuk / Nonlinear optical properties of silver nanoparticles prepared in Ag doped borate glasses // Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter – 2014. – V.449C. – P.31-35.
- T.D. Kelly, E. Echeverria, Sumit Beniwal, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, Axel Enders, J.C. Petrosky, J.W. McClory, P.A. Dowben / The Chromium Site in Doped Glassy Lithium Tetraborate // Materials Chemistry and Physics – 2014. – V.147. – P.492-495.
- D.A. Buchanan, M.S. Holston, A.T. Brant, J.W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, and L.E. Halliburton / Electron paramagnetic resonance and thermoluminescence study of Ag2+ ions in Li2B4O7 crystals // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids – 2014. – V.75, N12. – P.1347-1353.
- V. Adamiv, I. Teslyuk, Ya. Dyachok, G. Romanyuk, O. Krupych, O. Mys, I. Martynyuk- Lototska, Ya. Burak, R. Vlokh / Synthesis and optical characterization of LiKB4O7, Li2B6O10, and LiCsB6O10 glasses: ERRATUM // Applied Optics. 2014. – V.53, N20. – P. 4481-4482.
- V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Bolesta, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, R.M. Dutka, I.D. Karbovnyk, M.V. Periv, I.M. Teslyuk / Formation and optical properties of silver nanoparticles in Li2B4O7 – Gd2O3 – Ag2O borate glass // Ukr.J.Phys. – 2014. – V.59, N10. – P.1026 – 1036.
- В.Т. Адамів, І.М. Болеста, Я.В. Бурак, Р.В. Гамерник, І.Д. Карбовник, М.Г. Ковальчук, О.О. Кушнір, І.М. Теслюк / Спосіб виготовлення нанокомпозитного матеріалу // Патент України на корисну модель UA 92956 МПК С03С 3/064 від 10.09.2014 р.
- В.Т. Адамів, Я.В. Бурак, Р.В. Гамерник, Р.М. Дутка, І.М. Теслюк / Формування і оптичні властивості наночастинок Ag в тетраборатних склах CaB4O7?Ag2O і CaB4O7?Gd2O3?Ag2O // J. Nano-Electron. Phys. – 2014. – Т.6, №4, – C.04033 (7cc).
- J. Mikulski, Cz. Koepke, K. Wi?niewski, B.V. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak / Excited state characteristics of the Li2B4O4 and KLiB4O7 glasses activated by Cr3+ ions // Optical Materials – 2014, – V.38. – P. 24 – 27.
- Р.М. Дутка, В.Т. Адамів, Я.В. Бурак, Р.В. Гамерник, І.М. Теслюк / Спосіб виготовлення нанокомпозитного матеріалу на основі боратних стекол // Патент України на корисну модель № 98833,– Реєстр. № u 2014 12283 – від 03.02.2015 № 1829/ЗУ/15.
- R.M. Dutka, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, I.M. Teslyuk / Nonlinear optical parameters of borate glasses with Ag nanoparticles formed using reducing Gd3+ ions // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. - 2015, - V.16, - Issue 2, - Р. 103 – 110.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, R.M. Dutka, I.M. Teslyuk / Peculiarities of Ag metallic nanoparticles formation in alkaline and alkaline-earth tetraborate glasses // Functional Materials – 2015, – V.22, N2. – P.155 – 161.
- V. Protsiuk, B. Padlyak, O. Krupych, V. T. Adamiv, Ya. V. Burak, I. M. Teslyuk / Investigations of the mechanical stresses distribution in some borate glasses by optical imaging polarimetry // W: Laser technologies. Lasers and their application : materials of international scientific and technical conference. Truskavets, Ukraina, 2015 .- Drohobych, 2015, s. 45--47 .- ISBN: 9789663843452.
- Chobal, I. Rizak, F. Kováč, I. Petryshynets, V. Adamiv, Ya. Burak, O. Chobal, V. Rizak / Nanoindentation studies of LiKB4O7 single crystals // XV International Conference “Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems” (ICPTTFN-XV), Conference Proceedings, May 11 – 16, - 2015, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, - P. 343. (Дослідження наноіндентування монокристалів LiKB4O7, МКФТТПН – XV - ICPTTFN).
- R.M. Dutka, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, I.M. Teslyuk / Preparation and nonlinear optical properties of LiCaBO3-Ag2O and LiCaBO3-Gd2O3-Ag2O borate glasses with Ag nanoparticles // Phys. Status Solidi B, - V.252, - N12, - 2015, - P. 2745-2750.
- V.T. Adamiv, R.V. Gamernyk, P.Yu. Demchenko, R.M. Dutka, Yu.O. Kulyk, I.M. Teslyuk / Determination sizes Ag nanoparticles in glass Li2B4O7:Ag,Gd / 5-th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties – 2015 (NAP-2015)”, - Proceeding 01NNPT03, – Lviv, Ukraine, 16-23 September, 2015.
- B.E. Kananen, E.S. Maniego, E.M. Golden, N.C. Giles, J.W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, and L.E. Halliburton / Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) from Ag-doped Li2B4O7 crystals // Journal of Luminescence, – V. 177, - 2016, - P. 190–196.
- T. Lesniewski, B.V. Padlyak, J. Barzowska, S. Mahlik, V.T. Adamiv, Z. Nurgul, M. Grinberg / Low and high field sites of Cr3+ ions in calcium tetraborate glasses // Optical Materials, - V. 59, - 2016, - P. 120–125.
- Oleh Krupych, Oksana Mys, Taras Kryvyy, Volodymyr Adamiv, Yaroslav Burak, and Rostyslav Vlokh / Photoelastic properties of lithium tetraborate crystals // Applied Optics, - V. 55, - N 36, - 2016, - P. 10457-10462.
- N.A. Andrushchak, O.A. Buryy, V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk, A.S. Andrushchak, A.V. Kityk / Development of crystalline nanocomposites with KDP crystals as nanofiller // Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties // Lviv, Ukraine, 2016, Vol. 5, No.2, 02NNSA10(3 pp.).
- Bohdan V. Padlyak, Ihor I. Kindrat, Radosław Lisiecki, Volodymyr T. Adamiv, Ihor M. Teslyuk / New effective luminescent materials based on the Sm-doped borate glasses // Advanced Materials Letters – V. 8, - N 6, - 2017, - P.723-734.
- Volodymyr Adamiv, Roman Gamernyk, and Ihor Teslyuk / Formation of silver nanoparticles in Li2B4O7-Ag2O and Li2B4O7-Gd2O3-Ag2O borate glasses // Applied Optics – V.56, - N.17, - 2017, - P. 5068-5072.
- V.T. Adamiv, R.V. Gamernyk, І.М. Теслюк / Formation of silver nanoparticles in Li2B4O7-Ag2O and Li2B4O7-Gd2O3-Ag2O borate glasses // International Conference, OMEE-2017 –29.05. - 2.06. 2017, Lviv, Ukraine. Book of Abstracts, - P.110.
- B.V. Padlyak, V.Ya. Tataryn, A. Drzewiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk / EPR spectroscopy of the lithium tetraborate glasses doped with Ag // International Conference, OMEE-2017 –29.05. - 2.06. 2017, Lviv, Ukraine. Book of Abstracts, - P.88.
- B.V. Padlyak, A. Drzewiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk / Ultraviolet photoluminescence of the Gd3+ centres in borate glasses // International Conference, OMEE-2017 –29.05. - 2.06. 2017, Lviv, Ukraine. Book of Abstracts, - P.140.
- B.V. Padlyak, A. Drzewiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk / Resonant excited UV luminescence of the Gd3+ centres in borate glasses, co-doped with Gd and Ag // The Phosphor Safari and The Sixth International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials 9-14 July 2017 Gdańsk, Poland (PS - IWASOM-2017). Book of Abstracts – P. 93.
- O. Shpotyuk, V. Adamiv, I. Teslyuk, A. Ingram / Positron lifetime spectroscopy of lithium tetraborate Li2B4O7 glass // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids –V.471, 1 September 2017, Pages 338-343.
- Bohdan Padlyak, Volodymyr Adamiv, Taras Padlyak / Spectroscopic properties and potential applications of the borate glasses in quantum electronics // 9th Ukrainian-Polish Conference - ELIT 2017, Lviv-Chynadiyevo, Ukraine, August 28-31, 2017. Book of Abstracts – P. 207.
- B.V. Padlyak, A. Drzewiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv / Spectroscopy and luminescence of borate glasses, co-doped with Gd and Ag // Workshop on Current Problems in Phisics Zielona Gora, October 16-19, 2017. Book of Abstracts – P. 7.
- O. Shpotyuk, V. Adamiv, I. Teslyuk, A. Ingram, P. Demchenko / Probing vacancy-type free-volume defects in Li2B4O7 single crystal by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids – V.112, 6 September 2018, - P. 8-13.
- Bohdan Padlyak, Radoslaw Lisiecki, Taras Padlyak, Volodymyr Adamiv / Spectroscopy of Nd3+ luminescence centres in Li2B4O7:Nd, LiCaBO3:Nd, and CaB4O7:Nd glasses // Journal of Luminescence – V. 198, - 2018, - P. 183–192.
- Bohdan V. Padlyak, Adam Drzewiecki, Taras B. Padlyak, Volodymyr T. Adamiv, Ihor M. Teslyuk / Resonant excited UV luminescence of the Gd3+ centres in borate glasses, co-doped with Gd and Ag // Optical Materials – V. 79, - 2018, - P. 302–30.
- Volodymyr T. Adamiv, Yaroslav V. Burak, Roman V. Gamernyk, Serhiy Z. Malynych, Iryna E. Moroz, and Ihor M. Teslyuk / Optical nonlinearities in LiKB4O7–Ag2O and LiKB4O7–Ag2O–Gd2O3 glasses containing Ag nanoparticles / Appl. Opt. – V.57, - N17, - 2018, - P. 4802-4808.
- I.I. Kindrat, B.V. Padlyak, B. Kukliński, A. Drzewiecki, V.T. Adamiv / Enhancement of the Eu3+ luminescence in Li2B4O7 glasses co-doped with Eu and Ag // Journal of Luminescence – V. 204, - 2018, - P. 122–129.
- I.I. Kindrat, B.V. Padlyak, R. Lisiecki, V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk / Enhancement of the Er3+ luminescence in Er–Ag co-doped Li2B4O7 glasses // Optical Materials – V. 85, - 2018, - P. 238–245.
- B.V. Padlyak, A. Drzewiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv / Features of EPR spectra of the V-doped borate glasses // V Forum, EMR-PL, Wroclaw – Kudowa-Zdroj, 5 – 8 June 2018.
- Bohdan V. Padlyak, Taras B. Padlyak, Adam Drzewiecki, Volodymyr T. Adamiv / Intense UV luminescence of borate glasses co-doped with Gd and Ag // 20th International Conference „Materials, Methods & Technologies”, 26 – 30 June 2018, Elenite, Bulgaria.
- I.I. Kindrat, B.V. Padlyak, R. Lisiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.A. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk / Luminescence properties of the Li2B4O7 glasses co-doped with Er and Ag // Worckshop on current problems in physics, Lviv, 03-04 July 2018, Ivan Franko University.
- B.V. Padlyak, V.A. Adamiv, T.B. Padlyak, I.I. Kindrat, A. Drzewiecki, V.Ya. Tataryn, I.M. Teslyuk, S.P. Dubelt / Spectroscopy of the Ag-doped borate glasses // Worckshop on current problems in physics, Lviv, 03-04 July 2018, Ivan Franko University.
- B.V. Padlyak, I.I. Kindrat, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv / Enhancement of the RE3+ luminescence in the RE-Ag co-doped tetraborate glasses // Proceedings of the Xth International Scientific and Practical Conference. Elecronics and information Technologies (ELIT-2018). August 30 – September 2018, Lviv – Karpaty village, Ukraine.