Адамів Володимир Теодорович

Доктор фізико-математичних наук, старший науковий співробітник

1971 – 1976 рр. – Львівський Державний університет ім. Івана Франка, фізичний факультет;
Спеціальність – фізик, фізика напівпровідників;
1999 р. – захист кандидатської дисертації “Оптико-фізичні властивості монокристалів BaB2O4, вирощених у альфа- і бета- фазах”, спеціальність – “Оптика, лазерна фізика”;
2001 р. – присвоєно наукове звання старший науковий співробітник;
2012 р. – захист докторської дисертації на тему “Ізовалентно заміщені борати літію і барію: синтез, структурні особливості та фізичні властивості”. Спеціальність 01.04.10 – фізика напівпровідників і діелектриків.
Трудова діяльність:
1976 – 1978 рр. – вчитель фізики середньої школи;
1978 – 1992 рр. – інженер, старший інженер, ведучий інженер Львівського НДІ матеріалів;
з 1992 р. – інститут фізичної оптики МОН України. Науковий співробітник, старший науковий співробітник.
З 2007р. завідувач сектору росту кристалів Інституту фізичної оптики МОНУ.
Завідувач відділу матеріалознавства з 01.01.2015 р.
Наукові інтереси:
Синтез, вирощування і дослідження фізичних властивостей оксидних монокристалів, зокрема сімейства безводних боратів
Вибрані публікації (1997-2009р.)
- V.T.Adamiv, Ya.V.Burak, M.Czerwinski Ya.Kasperczyk, I.V.Kityk, R.Smok, / Nonlinear optical properties of Li2B4O7 singl crystals doped with potassium and silver // Optical materials (NL) – 1997. – v.8, N3. – p.207-213.
- A.S. Andrushchak, V.T. Adamiv, O.M. Krupych, I.Yu. Martynyuk-Lototska, Ya.V. Burak and R.O. Vlokh. Anisotropy of Piezo- and Elastooptical Effect in ?-BaB2O4 Crystals // Ferroelectrics. 328, 299-305 (2000).
- Adamiv V.T., Burak Ya.V., Antonyak O.T., Pidzyrailo M.S. / Thermoluminescence on Polar and Nonpolar Phases of BaB2O4 Crystals. // Ferroelectrics. – 2001. – Vol.254. – Р.143-150.
- A.S.Andruschak, Ya.V.Bobitski, M.V.Kaidan, V.T.Adamiv, Ya.V.Burak, B.G.Mytsyk. Photoelastic properties of the beta barium borate crystals. Optica Applicata – v.33,N2-3.-p.345-357.
- Ya.V.Burak, V.T.Adamiv, I.M.Teslyuk, V. M. Shevel / Optical absorption of isotopically enriched Li2B4O7 single crystals irradiated by thermal neutrons. // Radiation measurements.- 2004. – v.38, N4-6. – P.681-684.
- V.T.Adamiv, Ya.V.Burak, M.M.Romanyuk, G.M.Romanyuk, I.M.Teslyuk / Transmission and Dispersion of Refractive Indices in Nonlinear Optical CsLiB6O10 Single Crystals // Ferroelectrics. – 2005. v.316, – pp. 147-151.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Growth and properties of new nonlinear LiKB4O7 single crystals // Journal of Crystal Growth . – 2006. – v. 289, № 1, – pp. 157-160.
- M. Панасюк, В. Капустяник, В. Цибульский, Я. Бурак, В. Адамів, I. Теслюк. / Термостимульовані струми та релаксаційні процеси в монокристалах ?-BaB2O4 // Журнал фізичних досліджень – 2006. – т.10, №.2. – С.123-126.
- Adamiv V.T., Burak Ya.V., Romanyuk M.M., Romanyuk G.M. and Teslyuk I.M. / New Nonlinear Optical LiKB4O7 Single Crystals: Dispersion of Refractive Indices // Optical Materials – 2007. – v.29, N 11. – P. 1501-1504.
- Mys O., Adamiv V., Martynyuk-Lototska I., Burak Ya. and Vlokh R. / Piezooptic and Acoustic Properties of LiKB4O7 Crystals // Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. – 2007. – v.8, N3. – P.138-142.
- V.T. Adamiv, О.Т. Аntonyak, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / X–ray and Thermoluminescence of LiKB4O7 Single Crystals // J.Luminescence. – 2008. – V.128, N3. – P.549 – 552.
- V.T. Adamiv / Optical, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Nonlinear LiKB4O7 Crystals // Crystallography Reports. – 2008. – V.53, N3. – P.488 – 492.
- V.T. Adamiv / Transparency and Temperature-Induced Variations of Birefringence in LiKB4O7 Crystals // Technical Physics Letters. – 2008. – Vol.34, No. 9. – P.812 – 814.
- K. Nouneh, I.V. Kityk, K. Michalska-Ma?ecka, K. Ozga, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Temperature dependences of the second harmonic generation in the LiKB4O7 single crystals // Laser Physics – 2008. – v.18, N8 – P.965-967.
Публікації 2009-2014рр.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / The low-temperature change of the lattice parameters in LiKB4O7 single crystals // Phys.Stat.Sol. – 2009. – V.B246, N2. – P.361 – 363.
- V.T. Adamiv, J. Ebothe, M. Piasecki, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk, K. Plucinski, Ali H. Resnak I.V. Kityk / “Triggering” effect of second harmonic generation in centrosymmetric ?-BaB2O4 crystals // Optical Material – 2009. – V.31, N 4. – P.685 – 687.
- V.T. Adamiv,Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / The crystal structure of Li2B4O7 compound in the temperature range 10 – 290 К // Journal of Alloys and Compounds – 2009. – v.475, N1-2.- P.869 – 873.
- A. Senyshyn, Ya. Burak, V. Adamiv, H. Fuess / Low Temperature Crystal Structure of Li2B4O7 // Acta Cryst. – 2009. – v. A65. – P. s213 – s214 (Suppl.).- 25th European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM 25, Эstanbul, 2009.
- V.T. Adamiv, V.P. Savchyn, P.V. Savchyn, I.M. Teslyuk, Ya.V. Burak / Influence of the isovalent doping for the cathodoluminescence of the Li2B4O7 single crystals // Functional Materials – 2009. – v.16, N3. – P. 247 – 252.
Публікації 2010 р.
- David Wooten, I. Ketsman, Jie Xiao, Ya.B. Losovyj, J. Petrosky, J. McClory, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv, P.A. Dowben / The Surface Core Level Shift for Lithium at the Surface of Lithium Borate // Physica B. Condensed Matter – 2010. – v.405, N1. – P.461 – 464.
- I. Ketsman, D. Wooten, Jie Xiao, Ya.B. Losovyj, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv, A. Sokolov, J. Petrosky, J. McClory, and P.A. Dowben / The off-axis pyroelectric effect observed for lithium tetraborate // Physical Letters A – 2010. – v.374, N 6. – P.891 – 895.
- Kulyk B., Kapustianyk V., Burak Ya., Adamiv V., Sahraoui B. / Third harmonic generation in LiKB4O7 single crystal // Materials Chemistry and Physics – 2010. – v.120, N1. – P.114 – 117.
- B.V. Padlyak, W. Wojtowicz, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / EPR spectroscopy of the Mn2+ and Cu2+ centres in lithium and potassium – lithium tetraborate glasses // Acta Polonica A – 2010. – v.117, N1. – P.122-125.
- M.W. Swinney, J.W. McClory, J.C. Petrosky, Shan Yang, A.T. Brant, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, P.A. Dowben, L.E. Halliburton / Identification of electron and hole traps in lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals: Oxygen vacancies and lithium vacancies”
- // J.Appl.Phys.- 2010, V.107, 113715 – 9.
- B.V. Padlyak, W. Ryba-Romanowski, R.Lisiecki, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk, A. Banaszak-Piechowska / Optical spectra and luminescence kinetics of the Sm3+ and Yb3+ centers in the lithium tetraborate glasses // Optica Applicata – 2010, V.11, N2, P.427-438.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, D. Wooten, J. McClory, J. Petrosky, I. Ketsman, Jie Xiao, Ya.B. Losovyj, P.A. Dowben / The Electronic Structure and Secondary Pyroelectric Properties of Lithium Tetraborate // Review, Special Issue on “Advances in Ferroelectric& Piezoelectric Materials” Materials 2010, 3(9), 4550-4579; doi:10.3390/ma3094550.
- Adamiv, V; Teslyuk, I; Dyachok, Ya; Romanyuk, G; Krupych, O; Mys, O; Martynyuk-Lototska, I; Burak, Ya; Vlokh, R / Synthesis and optical characterisation of LiKB4O7, Li2B6O10 and LiCsB6O10 glasses // Applied Optics, 2010, V.49, N 28, P.5360-5365.
- В. Савчин, В. Адамів, Я. Бурак, І. Теслюк / Катодолюмінесценція BaB2O4:M2+ (M = Cd, Sr, Zn, Ca, Mg) // Фізика і хімія твердого тіла – 2010, т.11, №4, С.967-970.
- A. Senyshyn, B. Schwarz, T. Lorenz, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, J. Banys, R. Grigalaitis, L. Vasylechko, H. Ehrenberg, and H. Fuess / Low-temperature crystal structure, specific heat and dielectric properties of lithium tetraborate Li2B4O7 // Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, V.108, 093524-9; doi:10.1063/1.3504244 (9 pages)”.
- B.V. Padlyak, W. Ryba-Romanowski, R. Lisiecki, O. Smyrnov, A. Drzewiecki, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk, / Synthesis and Spectroskopy of Tetraborate Glasses Doped with Copper // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. – 2010, V.356, P.2033-2037.
- David Wooten, I. Ketsman, Jie Xiao, Ya.B. Losovyj, J. Petrosky, J. McClory, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv, James M. Brown, P.A. Dowben / The Electronic Structure of Li2B4O7 (110) and Li2B4O7 (100) // European Journal of Physics: Applied Physics, 2010, V.52, P.31601 (p1-p8).
Публікації 2011 р.
- A.H. Reshak, G. Lakshminarayana, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv / Laser operated borate nanocomposites // Journal of Alloys and Compounds – 2011, V.509, P.1271-1274.
- Adamenko D., Adamiv V., Klymiv I. and Vlokh R. / Kerr and Faraday effects in borate glasses // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 2011, V12, №1, P. 1-9.
- Jie Xiao, N. Lozova, Ya.B. Losovyj, D. Wooten, I. Ketsman, M.W. Swinney, J. Petrosky, J. McClory, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv, A.T. Brant, and P.A. Dowben / Surface charging at the (100) surface of Cu doped and undoped Li2B4O7 // Applied Surface Science – 2011, V.257, N8, P.3399-3403.
- Ihor Ketsman, Yaroslav Losovyj, Volodymyr Adamiv, Yaroslav Burak, David Wooten, James Petrosky, John McClory, Peter Dowben / “The Electronic Structure and Properties of Different Surface Terminations of Li2B4O7 Single Crystal” // Meeting of American Physical Society, Dallas, USA, Session Y10 “Electronic Structure of Surfaces and Interfaces”, March 2011, Y10 12, P.588.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, G.M. Romanyuk, I.M. Teslyuk / Optical properties, electronic polarizability and optical basicity of lithium borate glasses // Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, – 2011, V.52 (4), P.152–156.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, M.M. Romanyuk, I.M. Teslyuk / Optical properties of alumina-bearing alkali and alkaline earth tetraborate glasses // Functional Materials – 2011. – V.18, N3. – P.298-303.
- A.T. Brant, B.E. Kananan, M.K. Murari, J.W. McClory, J.C. Petrosky, V.T.
- Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, P.A. Dowben, L.E. Halliburton / Electron and hole traps in Ag-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals // J. Appl. Phys. – 2011. – V. 110, N9. – Page 0937197-(1-7) (ID 115121JAP).
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Lithium borate glasses, as a new material for optical devices // “1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano- Optoelectronic Systems”, 7 – 9 December 2011, Bremen, Germany, paper 4696-Bremen 2011-004, – Abstract book – P.22.
- A.H. Reshak, G. Lakshminarayana, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv / Laser operated borate nanocomposites // Journal of Alloys and Compounds – 2011, V.509, P.1271-1274.
- Adamenko D., Adamiv V., Klymiv I. and Vlokh R. / Kerr and Faraday effects in borate glasses // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 2011, V12, №1, P. 1-9.
- Jie Xiao, N. Lozova, Ya.B. Losovyj, D. Wooten, I. Ketsman, M.W. Swinney, J. Petrosky, J. McClory, Ya.V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv, A.T. Brant, and P.A. Dowben / Surface charging at the (100) surface of Cu doped and undoped Li2B4O7 // Applied Surface Science – 2011, V.257, N8, P.3399-3403.
- Ihor Ketsman, Yaroslav Losovyj, Volodymyr Adamiv, Yaroslav Burak, David Wooten, James Petrosky, John McClory, Peter Dowben / “The Electronic Structure and Properties of Different Surface Terminations of Li2B4O7 Single Crystal” // Meeting of American Physical Society, Dallas, USA, Session Y10 “Electronic Structure of Surfaces and Interfaces”, March 2011, Y10 12, P.588.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, G.M. Romanyuk, I.M. Teslyuk / Optical properties, electronic polarizability and optical basicity of lithium borate glasses // Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, – 2011, V.52 (4), P.152–156.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, M.M. Romanyuk, I.M. Teslyuk / Optical properties of alumina-bearing alkali and alkaline earth tetraborate glasses // Functional Materials – 2011. – V.18, N3. – P.298-303.
- A.T. Brant, B.E. Kananan, M.K. Murari, J.W. McClory, J.C. Petrosky, V.T.
- Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, P.A. Dowben, L.E. Halliburton / Electron and hole traps in Ag-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals // J. Appl. Phys. – 2011. – V. 110, N9. – Page 0937197-(1-7) (ID 115121JAP).
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Lithium borate glasses, as a new material for optical devices // “1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano- Optoelectronic Systems”, 7 – 9 December 2011, Bremen, Germany, paper 4696-Bremen 2011-004, – Abstract book – P.22.
Публікації 2012 р.
- A. Senyshyn, H. Boysen, R. Niewa, J. Banys, M. Kinka, Ya. Burak, V. Adamiv, F. Izumi, I. Chumak, H. Fuess / High-temperature properties of lithium tetraborate Li2B4O7 // J.Phys. D: Appl.Phys. – 2012. – V.45, N17, Р. – 175305 (15 pp.).
- V. Adamiv, Ya. Burak, I. Teslyuk, B. Kulyk, V. Kapustianyk, B. Sahraoui / Third harmonic generation in Li2B4O7 single crystal // 6th International Workshop “Relaxed, nonlinear and acoustic optical processes and materials” – RNAOPM’2012 (Lutsk-Shatsk, May 25-29, 2012) – Proceedings – P.67-70.
- Bohdan V. Padlyak, Witold Ryba-Romanowski, Rados?aw Lisiecki, Bo?ena Pieprzyk, Adam Drzewiecki, Volodymyr T. Adamiv, Yaroslav V. Burak, Ihor M. Teslyuk / Synthesis and optical spectroscopy of the lithium tetraborate glasses, doped with terbium and disprosium // Optica Applicata. – 2012. – V.42, N2. – P.365-379.
- B.V. Padlyak, W. Ryba-Romanowski, R. Lisiecki,, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Synthesis, EPR and optical spectroscopy of the Cr-doped tetraborate glasses // Optical Materials – 2012. – V.34, N12. – P. 2112-2119.
- B.V. Padlyak, S.I. Mudry, Y.O. Kulyk, A. Drzewiecki, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / Synthesis and X-ray structural investigation of undoped borates glasses // Material Science-Poland – 2012. – V.30,N3. – 264-273.
Публікації 2013 р.
- B.V. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, M. Kolcun, “Optical harmonic transformations in borate glasses with Li2B4O7, LiKB4O7, CaB4O7, and LiCaBO3 compositions – Physica B: Condensed Matter. – 2013. – V.452, N1. – P.79-82.
- A.T. Brant, D.A. Buchanan, J.W. McClory, J.C. Petrosky, P.A. Dowben, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, and L.E. Halliburton // The Origin of Thermoluminescence in Cu-Doped Lithium Tetraborate (Li2B4O7) Crystals – J.Luminescence – 2013. – V.139, N1. – P.125-131.
- Christina Dugan, R. Hengehold, Steve R. McHale, Juan A. Col?n Santana, John W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, Ya. B. Losovyj and Peter A. Dowben / Reversible Mn Segregation at the Polar Surface of Lithium Tetraborate // Appl.Phys.Lett. – 2013. – V.102, N16. – P. 161602 (1 – 4).
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.S. Girnyk, I.M. Teslyuk / Thermal properties of alkaline and alkaline-earth borate glasses // Functional Materials – 2013. – V.20, N1. – P.52 – 58.
- Juan A. Colуn Santana, C. M. Young, J. W. McClory, J. C. Petrosky, X. Wang, P. Liu, Jinke Tang, V.T. Adamiv, Ya. V. Burak, Keisuke Fukutani, P.A. Dowben / Gamma and X-ray Sensitivity of Gd2O3 Heterojunctions // Radiation Measurements – 2013. – V.51-52, N1. – P.99-102.
- A. Drzewiecki, B. Padlyak, V. Adamiv, Ya. Burak, I. Teslyuk / EPR spectroscopy of Cu2+ and Mn2+ in borate glasses // Nucleonika – 2013. – V.58, N3. – P.379 – 385.
- T.D. Kelly, L. Kong, D.A. Buchanan, A.T. Brant, J.C. Petrosky, J.W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Y.V. Burak, P.A. Dowben / EXAFT and EPR analysis of the local structure of Mn-doped Li2B4O7 // Phys.Stat.Sol. B (2013) DOI 10.1002/pssp.201349013 – 2013, – V. 250, N7, – P. 1376 – 1383.
Публікації 2014 р.
- I.M. Bolesta, O.O. Kushnir, I.I. Kolych, I.I. Syvorotka, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, I.M. Teslyuk / АFМ investigations and plasmon spectra of silver clusters formed on Li2B4O7:Ag glass surface in reducing atmosphere // Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. – 2014. – V.6, N3. – P.326 – 332. (Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine).
- B.V. Padlyak, N.A. Sergeev, M. Olszewski, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak / 11B and 7Li MAS NMR spectroscopy of glassy and crystalline borat compound // Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B – 2014. – V.55, N1. – P.25-33.
- A.T. Brant, D.A. Buchanan, J.W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, L.E. Halliburton, and N.C. Giles / Photoluminescence from Ag2+ ions in lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals // J.Luminescence – 2014. – V.153, – P.79-84.
- В.Т. Адамів, Я.В. Бурак, І.М. Теслюк, І.Ю. Мартинюк-Лотоцька, О.Г. Мись, Р.О. Влох / Патент України на винахід №105356 ”Акустооптичний модулятор” // Інформація опублікована в “Промислова власність. Бюлетень” № 9, 12. 05. 2014 р.
- T.D. Kelly, J.C. Petrosky, J.W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, B.V. Padlyak, I.M. Teslyuk, Ning Lu, Lu Wang, Wai-Ning Mei, and P.A. Dowben / Rare Earth Dopant (Nd, Gd, Dy, and Er) Hybridization in Lithium Tetraborate // Frontiers in Physics, section Condensed Matter Physics, May 2014, – V.2. – Article 31. – P.1-10.
- doi:10.3389/fphy.2014.00031.
- V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Bolesta, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, I.D. Karbovnyk, I.I. Kolych, M.G. Kovalchuk, O.O. Kushnir, M.V. Periv, I.M. Teslyuk / Nonlinear optical properties of silver nanoparticles prepared in Ag doped borate glasses // Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter – 2014. – V.449C. – P.31-35.
- T.D. Kelly, E. Echeverria, Sumit Beniwal, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, Axel Enders, J.C. Petrosky, J.W. McClory, P.A. Dowben / The Chromium Site in Doped Glassy Lithium Tetraborate // Materials Chemistry and Physics – 2014. – V.147. – P.492-495.
- D.A. Buchanan, M.S. Holston, A.T. Brant, J.W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, and L.E. Halliburton / Electron paramagnetic resonance and thermoluminescence study of Ag2+ ions in Li2B4O7 crystals // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids – 2014. – V.75, N12. – P.1347-1353.
- V. Adamiv, I. Teslyuk, Ya. Dyachok, G. Romanyuk, O. Krupych, O. Mys, I. Martynyuk- Lototska, Ya. Burak, R. Vlokh / Synthesis and optical characterization of LiKB4O7, Li2B6O10, and LiCsB6O10 glasses: ERRATUM // Applied Optics. 2014. – V.53, N20. – P. 4481-4482.
- V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Bolesta, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, R.M. Dutka, I.D. Karbovnyk, M.V. Periv, I.M. Teslyuk / Formation and optical properties of silver nanoparticles in Li2B4O7 – Gd2O3 – Ag2O borate glass // Ukr.J.Phys. – 2014. – V.59, N10. – P.1026 – 1036.
- В.Т. Адамів, І.М. Болеста, Я.В. Бурак, Р.В. Гамерник, І.Д. Карбовник, М.Г. Ковальчук, О.О. Кушнір, І.М. Теслюк / Спосіб виготовлення нанокомпозитного матеріалу // Патент України на корисну модель UA 92956 МПК С03С 3/064 від 10.09.2014 р.
- В.Т. Адамів, Я.В. Бурак, Р.В. Гамерник, Р.М. Дутка, І.М. Теслюк / Формування і оптичні властивості наночастинок Ag в тетраборатних склах CaB4O7?Ag2O і CaB4O7?Gd2O3?Ag2O // J. Nano-Electron. Phys. – 2014. – Т.6, №4, – C.04033 (7cc).
- J. Mikulski, Cz. Koepke, K. Wi?niewski, B.V. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak / Excited state characteristics of the Li2B4O4 and KLiB4O7 glasses activated by Cr3+ ions // Optical Materials – 2014, – V.38. – P. 24 – 27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optmat.2014.09.024
- Р.М. Дутка, В.Т. Адамів, Я.В. Бурак, Р.В. Гамерник, І.М. Теслюк / Спосіб виготовлення нанокомпозитного матеріалу на основі боратних стекол // Патент України на корисну модель № 98833,– Реєстр. № u 2014 12283 – від 03.02.2015 № 1829/ЗУ/15.
- R.M. Dutka, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, I.M. Teslyuk / Nonlinear optical parameters of borate glasses with Ag nanoparticles formed using reducing Gd3+ ions // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. - 2015, - V.16, - Issue 2, - Р. 103 – 110.
- V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, R.M. Dutka, I.M. Teslyuk / Peculiarities of Ag metallic nanoparticles formation in alkaline and alkaline-earth tetraborate glasses // Functional Materials – 2015, – V.22, N2. – P.155 – 161.
- V. Protsiuk, B. Padlyak, O. Krupych, V. T. Adamiv, Ya. V. Burak, I. M. Teslyuk / Investigations of the mechanical stresses distribution in some borate glasses by optical imaging polarimetry // W: Laser technologies. Lasers and their application : materials of international scientific and technical conference. Truskavets, Ukraina, 2015 .- Drohobych, 2015, s. 45--47 .- ISBN: 9789663843452.
- Chobal, I. Rizak, F. Kováč, I. Petryshynets, V. Adamiv, Ya. Burak, O. Chobal, V. Rizak / Nanoindentation studies of LiKB4O7 single crystals // XV International Conference “Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems” (ICPTTFN-XV), Conference Proceedings, May 11 – 16, - 2015, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, - P. 343. (Дослідження наноіндентування монокристалів LiKB4O7, МКФТТПН – XV - ICPTTFN).
- R.M. Dutka, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, R.V. Gamernyk, I.M. Teslyuk / Preparation and nonlinear optical properties of LiCaBO3-Ag2O and LiCaBO3-Gd2O3-Ag2O borate glasses with Ag nanoparticles // Phys. Status Solidi B, - V.252, - N12, - 2015, - P. 2745-2750.
- V.T. Adamiv, R.V. Gamernyk, P.Yu. Demchenko, R.M. Dutka, Yu.O. Kulyk, I.M. Teslyuk / Determination sizes Ag nanoparticles in glass Li2B4O7:Ag,Gd / 5-th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties – 2015 (NAP-2015)”, - Proceeding 01NNPT03, – Lviv, Ukraine, 16-23 September, 2015.
- B.E. Kananen, E.S. Maniego, E.M. Golden, N.C. Giles, J.W. McClory, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak, and L.E. Halliburton / Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) from Ag-doped Li2B4O7 crystals // Journal of Luminescence, – V. 177, - 2016, - P. 190–196.
- T. Lesniewski, B.V. Padlyak, J. Barzowska, S. Mahlik, V.T. Adamiv, Z. Nurgul, M. Grinberg / Low and high field sites of Cr3+ ions in calcium tetraborate glasses // Optical Materials, - V. 59, - 2016, - P. 120–125.
- Oleh Krupych, Oksana Mys, Taras Kryvyy, Volodymyr Adamiv, Yaroslav Burak, and Rostyslav Vlokh / Photoelastic properties of lithium tetraborate crystals // Applied Optics, - V. 55, - N 36, - 2016, - P. 10457-10462.
- N.A. Andrushchak, O.A. Buryy, V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk, A.S. Andrushchak, A.V. Kityk / Development of crystalline nanocomposites with KDP crystals as nanofiller // Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties // Lviv, Ukraine, 2016, Vol. 5, No.2, 02NNSA10(3 pp.).
- Bohdan V. Padlyak, Ihor I. Kindrat, Radosław Lisiecki, Volodymyr T. Adamiv, Ihor M. Teslyuk / New effective luminescent materials based on the Sm-doped borate glasses // Advanced Materials Letters – V. 8, - N 6, - 2017, - P.723-734.
- Volodymyr Adamiv, Roman Gamernyk, and Ihor Teslyuk / Formation of silver nanoparticles in Li2B4O7-Ag2O and Li2B4O7-Gd2O3-Ag2O borate glasses // Applied Optics – V.56, - N.17, - 2017, - P. 5068-5072.
- V.T. Adamiv, R.V. Gamernyk, І.М. Теслюк / Formation of silver nanoparticles in Li2B4O7-Ag2O and Li2B4O7-Gd2O3-Ag2O borate glasses // International Conference, OMEE-2017 –29.05. - 2.06. 2017, Lviv, Ukraine. Book of Abstracts, - P.110.
- B.V. Padlyak, V.Ya. Tataryn, A. Drzewiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk / EPR spectroscopy of the lithium tetraborate glasses doped with Ag // International Conference, OMEE-2017 –29.05. - 2.06. 2017, Lviv, Ukraine. Book of Abstracts, - P.88.
- B.V. Padlyak, A. Drzewiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk / Ultraviolet photoluminescence of the Gd3+ centres in borate glasses // International Conference, OMEE-2017 –29.05. - 2.06. 2017, Lviv, Ukraine. Book of Abstracts, - P.140.
- B.V. Padlyak, A. Drzewiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk / Resonant excited UV luminescence of the Gd3+ centres in borate glasses, co-doped with Gd and Ag // The Phosphor Safari and The Sixth International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials 9-14 July 2017 Gdańsk, Poland (PS - IWASOM-2017). Book of Abstracts – P. 93.
- O. Shpotyuk, V. Adamiv, I. Teslyuk, A. Ingram / Positron lifetime spectroscopy of lithium tetraborate Li2B4O7 glass // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids –V.471, 1 September 2017, Pages 338-343.
- Bohdan Padlyak, Volodymyr Adamiv, Taras Padlyak / Spectroscopic properties and potential applications of the borate glasses in quantum electronics // 9th Ukrainian-Polish Conference - ELIT 2017, Lviv-Chynadiyevo, Ukraine, August 28-31, 2017. Book of Abstracts – P. 207.
- B.V. Padlyak, A. Drzewiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv / Spectroscopy and luminescence of borate glasses, co-doped with Gd and Ag // Workshop on Current Problems in Phisics Zielona Gora, October 16-19, 2017. Book of Abstracts – P. 7.
- O. Shpotyuk, V. Adamiv, I. Teslyuk, A. Ingram, P. Demchenko / Probing vacancy-type free-volume defects in Li2B4O7 single crystal by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids – V.112, 6 September 2018, - P. 8-13.
- Bohdan Padlyak, Radoslaw Lisiecki, Taras Padlyak, Volodymyr Adamiv / Spectroscopy of Nd3+ luminescence centres in Li2B4O7:Nd, LiCaBO3:Nd, and CaB4O7:Nd glasses // Journal of Luminescence – V. 198, - 2018, - P. 183–192.
- Bohdan V. Padlyak, Adam Drzewiecki, Taras B. Padlyak, Volodymyr T. Adamiv, Ihor M. Teslyuk / Resonant excited UV luminescence of the Gd3+ centres in borate glasses, co-doped with Gd and Ag // Optical Materials – V. 79, - 2018, - P. 302–30.
- Volodymyr T. Adamiv, Yaroslav V. Burak, Roman V. Gamernyk, Serhiy Z. Malynych, Iryna E. Moroz, and Ihor M. Teslyuk / Optical nonlinearities in LiKB4O7–Ag2O and LiKB4O7–Ag2O–Gd2O3 glasses containing Ag nanoparticles / Appl. Opt. – V.57, - N17, - 2018, - P. 4802-4808.
- I.I. Kindrat, B.V. Padlyak, B. Kukliński, A. Drzewiecki, V.T. Adamiv / Enhancement of the Eu3+ luminescence in Li2B4O7 glasses co-doped with Eu and Ag // Journal of Luminescence – V. 204, - 2018, - P. 122–129.
- I.I. Kindrat, B.V. Padlyak, R. Lisiecki, V.T. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk / Enhancement of the Er3+ luminescence in Er–Ag co-doped Li2B4O7 glasses // Optical Materials – V. 85, - 2018, - P. 238–245.
- B.V. Padlyak, A. Drzewiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv / Features of EPR spectra of the V-doped borate glasses // V Forum, EMR-PL, Wroclaw – Kudowa-Zdroj, 5 – 8 June 2018.
- Bohdan V. Padlyak, Taras B. Padlyak, Adam Drzewiecki, Volodymyr T. Adamiv / Intense UV luminescence of borate glasses co-doped with Gd and Ag // 20th International Conference „Materials, Methods & Technologies”, 26 – 30 June 2018, Elenite, Bulgaria.
- I.I. Kindrat, B.V. Padlyak, R. Lisiecki, T.B. Padlyak, V.A. Adamiv, I.M. Teslyuk / Luminescence properties of the Li2B4O7 glasses co-doped with Er and Ag // Worckshop on current problems in physics, Lviv, 03-04 July 2018, Ivan Franko University.
- B.V. Padlyak, V.A. Adamiv, T.B. Padlyak, I.I. Kindrat, A. Drzewiecki, V.Ya. Tataryn, I.M. Teslyuk, S.P. Dubelt / Spectroscopy of the Ag-doped borate glasses // Worckshop on current problems in physics, Lviv, 03-04 July 2018, Ivan Franko University.
- B.V. Padlyak, I.I. Kindrat, T.B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv / Enhancement of the RE3+ luminescence in the RE-Ag co-doped tetraborate glasses // Proceedings of the Xth International Scientific and Practical Conference. Elecronics and information Technologies (ELIT-2018). August 30 – September 2018, Lviv – Karpaty village, Ukraine.