Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics Issue 3, 2021
Cubic-quartic optical soliton perturbation with Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model by semi-inverse variational principle.
Biswas A., Edoki J., Guggilla P., Khan S., Alzahrani A. K. and Belic M. R. 2021. Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 22: 123 – 127.
doi: 10.3116/16091833/22/3/123/2021 -
Infrared and visible image fusion based on empirical curvelet transform and phase congruency.
Defa Hu and Hailiang Shi. 2021. Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 22: 128 – 137. doi: 10.3116/16091833/22/3/128/2021 -
Simultaneous acousto-optic diffractions by two lobes of a shaped phased-array transducer.
Illienko M. O., Pilgun Yu. V. and Smirnov Ye. M. 2021. Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 22: 138 – 150.
doi: 10.3116/16091833/22/3/138/2021 -
Liquid crystal textures and optical characterization of a dye-doped nematic for generating vector beams.
Nastishin Yu. A., Dudok T., Savaryn V., Kostyrko M., Vasylkiv Yu., Hrabchak V., Ryzhov Ye. and Vlokh R. 2021. Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 22: 151 – 164.
doi: 10.3116/16091833/22/3/151/2021 -
Jones formalism for image fusion.
Khaustov D. Ye., Khaustov Ya. Ye., Ryzhov Ye., Lychkowskyy E., Vlokh R. and Nastishin Yu. A. 2021. Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 22: 165 – 180.
doi: 10.3116/16091833/22/3/165/2021