Шпотюк Олег Йосипович

доктор фізико-математичних наук, професор, заслужений діяч науки і техніки України

Народився 21.04.1958 р.

1975-1980 рр. – Львівський Державний університет ім. Івана Франка, фізичний факультет
Спеціальність – радіофізика і електроніка;
1986 р. – захист кандидатської дисертації “Фізичні особливості радіаційно-стимульованих ефектів в склоподібних халькогенідах миш’яку”, спеціальність – “Фізика твердого тіла”;
1987 р. – присвоєно наукове звання старшого наукового співробітника;
1999 р. – професор із спеціальності «Фізика твердого тіла»

Трудова діяльність:
1980-2015 рр. – інженер, старший інженер, ведучий інженер, старший науковий співробітник, начальник відділу, провідний науковий співробітник, заступник генерального директора з наукової роботи Львівського НДІ матеріалів Науково-виробничого підприємства «Карат»;
З 2015 р. завідувач сектору оптичного скла і кераміки Інституту фізичної оптики імені О.Г. Влоха МОНУ.

Наукові інтереси:
матеріалознавство, фізика твердого тіла, радіаційна фізика і хімія, невпорядковані тверді тіла, функціональні стекла та кераміка, релаксаційні ефекти в невпорядкованій речовині

Вибрані статті (1993-2009):

  1. Shpotyuk O.I. Induced effects in chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors and concept of destruction-polymerization transformations. –  Latv. J. Phys. Techn. Sci., 1993, No 4, p. 32-43.
  2. Shpotyuk O.I. Photostructural transformations in amorphous chalcogenide semiconductors. –  Phys. Stat. Sol. B, 1994, v. 183, No 2, p. 365-374.
  3. Shpotyuk O.I., Kovalsky A.P., Vakiv M.M., Mrooz O.Ya. Reversible radiation effects in vitreous As2S3. 1. Changes of physical properties. –  Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 1994, v. 144, № 2, p. 277-283.
  4. Shpotyuk O.I. Reversible radiation effects in vitreous As2S3. 2. Mechanism of structural transformations. –  Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 1994, v. 145, No 1, p. 69-75.
  5. Shpotyuk O.I., Matkovskii A.O. Radiation-stimulated processes in vitreous arsenic trisulphide. –  J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 1994, v. 176, p. 45-50.
  6. Shpotyuk O.I. Mechanism of radiation-structural transformations in amorphous As2S3. –  Rad. Effects and Defects in Sol., 1994, v. 132, No 4, p. 393-396.
  7. Shpotyuk O.I., Sydorenko L.P., Koval E.Z., Pavlovych T.N., Hadzaman I.V., Sugak D.Yu., Ubizskiy S.B. Mykodestruction of electronics materials based on complex oxide compounds. –  Mykology and Fitopatology, 1994, v. 28-b, No 6, p. 45-51.
  8. Shpotyuk O.I., Matkovskii A.O., Kovalsky A.P., Vakiv M.M. Radiation-induced changes of amorphous As2S3 physical properties. – Rad. Effects and Defects in Sol., 1995, v. 133, No 1, p. 1-4.
  9. Shpotyuk O.I. Amorphous chalcogenide semiconductors for dosimetry of high-energy ionizing radiation. – Rad. Phys. Chem., 1995, v. 46, No 4-6, p. 1279-1282.
  10. Shpotyuk O.I. Mechanism of photoinduced optical effects in amorphous As2S3. Part 1: Irreversible changes of optical properties. – Opto-Electronics Rev., 1995, v. 3, No 3-4, p. 101-103.
  11. Gadzaman I.V., Kovalsky P.M., Mrooz O.Ya., Shpotyuk O.I. Features of the electrical conductance setting of thermoresistor ceramics on the basis of cubic-manganese spinels. – Functional Mat., 1996, v. 3, No 1, p. 104-107.
  12. Shpotyuk O.I., Kasperczyk J., Szymura S., Kityk I. Mechanism of photoinduced optical effects in amorphous As2S3. Part II. Reversible changes of optical properties. –  Opto-Electronics Rev., 1996, v. 4, No 1-2, p. 69-76.
  13. Shpotyuk O.I. Photo- and radiation induced coordination defects in amorphous chalcogenides. – Proc. SPIE, 1996, v. 2968, p. 246-255.
  14. Shpotyuk O.I., Vakiv M.M., Matkovskii A.O., Kovalski A.P. Radiation-induced paramagnetic centers in amorphous chalcogenide semiconductors. – Opto-Electronics Rev., 1997, v. 5, No 1, p. 39-41.
  15. Hadzaman I.V., Kovalsky A.P., Mrooz O.Ya., Shpotyuk O.I. Thermal modification of ceramic composites based on manganese-containing cube spinels. –  Mat. Lett., 1996, v. 29, p. 195-198.
  16. Shpotyuk O.I., Balitska V.O. Coordination defects in vitreous As2S3 induced by ?-irradiation. – Acta Phys. Pol. A., 1997, v. 92, No 3, p. 577-583.
  17. Shpotyuk O.I.,Kasperczyk J., Kityk I.V. Mechanism of reversible photoinduced optical effects in amorphous As2S3. – J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 1997, v. 215, p. 218-225.
  18. Shpotyuk O.I., Balitska V.O. Electron-induced dichroism in vitreous As2S3: physical features and microstructural mechanism. – Phys. Stat. Sol. A., 1998, v. 165, p. 295-302.
  19. Shpotyuk O.I., Balitska V.O., Vakiv M.M., Shpotyuk L.I. Sensors of high-energy radiation based on amorphous chalcogenides. – Sensors and Actuators A: Phys., 1998, v. 68, p. 356-358.
  20. Balitska V.O., Shpotyuk O.I. Radiation-induced structural transformations in vitreous chalcogenide semiconductors. – J. Non-Cryst.  Sol., 1998, v. 227-230, p. 723-727.
  21. Shpotyuk O.I., Balitska V.O., Vakiv M.M. Effect of electron-induced dichroism in vitreous As2S3. – J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 1998, v. 227-230, p. 837-841.
  22. Shpotyuk O.I., Kovalskiy A.P., Skordeva E., Vateva E., Arsova D., Golovchak R.Ya., Vakiv M.M. Effect of gamma-irradiation on the optical properties of GexAs40-xS60 glasses. – Physica B., 1999, v. 271, p. 242-247.
  23. Kavetskyy T.S., Kovalskiy A.P., Pamukchieva V.D., Shpotyuk O.I. IR impurity absorption in Sb2S3-GeS2(Ge2S3) chalcogenide glasses. – Infrared Phys. and Technol., 2000, v. 41, p. 41-45.
  24. Skordeva E., Arsova D., Pamukchieva V., Vateva E., Golovchak R., Kovalskiy A., Shpotyuk O. ?-induced changes in Ge-As-S glasses. – J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Mat., 2000, v. 2, p. 259-266.
  25. Shpotyuk O.I. Radiation-induced effects in chalcogenide glasses: Topological mechanism and application. – Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phys. Res. B, 2000, v. 166-167, p. 525-528.
  26. Balitska V.O., Shpotyuk O.I. On the problem of electron-induced anisotropy effect in As2S3-based glasses. – Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phys. Res. B, 2000, v. 166-167, p. 521-524.
  27. Shpotyuk Oleh I., Kavetskyy Taras S., Kovalskiy Andriy P., Pamukchieva Vesela. Gamma-irradiation effect on the optical properties of GexSb40-xS60 chalcogenide glasses. – Proc. SPIE, 2000, v. 4415, p. 278-283.
  28. Shpotyuk O.I., Golovchak R.Ya., Kavetsky T.S., Kovalskiy A.P. Radiation-optical effects in glassy Ge-As(Sb)-S systems. – Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phys. Res. B, 2000, v. 166-167, p. 517-520.
  29. 29. Balitska V.O., Shpotyuk O.I., Vakiv M.M. Degradation of electron-induced dichroism in glassy As2S3-Sb2S3. – Ukr. J. Phys. Optics, 2000, v. 1, No 2, p. 107-110.
  30. Shpotyuk O., Hadzaman I., Mrooz O., Kovalskiy A., Vakiv M. Microscopic Characterisation of Manganese-Containing Oxide Ceramics for Current Protection of Electric Circuits. – Pract. Metallography, 2001, v. 32, p. 209-212.
  31. Butkiewicz B., Golovchak R., Kovalskiy A., Shpotyuk O., Vakiv M. On the problem of relaxation for radiation-induced optical effects in some ternary chalcogenide glasses. – Rad. Effects and Defects in Sol., 2001, v. 153, p. 211-219.
  32.  Mrooz O., Kovalski A., Pogorzeska J., Shpotyuk O., Vakiv M., Butkiewicz B., Maciak J. Thermoelectrical degradation processes in NTC thermistors for in-rush current protection of electronic circuits. – Microelectronics Reliability, 2001, v. 41, p. 773-777.
  33. Shpotyuk O.I., Filipecki J., Golovchak R.Ya., Kovalskiy A.P., Hyla M. Radiation defects in amorphous As-Ge-S studied by positron by positron annihilation techniques. – J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Mat., 2001, v. 3, No. 2, p.  329-332.
  34. Balitska V., Filipecki J., Shpotyuk O., Swiatek J., Vakiv M. Dynamic radiation-induced effects in chalcogenide vitreous compounds. – J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 2001, v. 287, p. 329-332.
  35. Vakiv M., Shpotyuk O., Mrooz O., Hadzaman I. Controlled thermistor effect in the system CuxNi1-x-yCo2yMn2-yO4. – J. Europ. Ceram. Soc., 2001, v. 21, p. 1783-1785.
  36. Altenburg H., Mrooz O., Plewa J., Shpotyuk O., Vakiv M. Semiconductor ceramics for NTC thermistors: the reability aspects. – J. Europ. Ceram. Soc., 2001, v. 21, p. 1787-1791.
  37. Shpotyuk O.I., Golovchak R.Ya., Kovalskiy A.P., Vakiv M.M., Pamukchieva V.D., Arsova D.D., Skordeva E.R. Radiation optical effects in As2S3-GeS2 semiconducting glasses. – Phys. Chem. Glasses, 2001, v. 42, No 2, p. 95-98.
  38. Balitska Valentina, Shpotyuk Oleh, Vakiv Mykola. Degradation of dynamic radiation-induced effects in chalcogenide vitreous compounds. – In?yneria Materia?owa, 2001, No 4, v. 123, s. 189-192.
  39. 39. Shpotyuk O., Vakiv M., Mrooz O., Hadzaman I., Plewa J., Uphoff H., Altenburg H. Aging phenomena in Cu0.1Ni0.8Co0.2Mn1.9 NTC ceramics. – Key Eng. Mat., 2002, v. 206-213, p. 1317-1320.
  40. 40. Shpotyuk O.I., Golovchak R.Ya., Kovalskiy A.P., Vakiv M.M., Pamukchieva V.D., Arsova D.D., Skordeva E.R. Radiation optical effects in As2S3-GeS2 semiconducting glasses. – Phys. Chem. Glasses, 2001, v. 42, No 2, p. 95-98.
  41. 41. Shpotyuk O.I., Filipecki J., Hyla M., Kovalskiy A.P., Golovchak R.Ya. Coordination defects in chalcogenide amorphous semiconductors studied by positron annihilation lifetime. – Physica B., 2001, v. 308-310, p. 1011-1014.
  42. Shpotyuk O., Filipecki J. Radiation-induced defects in vitreous chalcogenide semiconductors studied by positron annihilation method. –  Mat. Scie. Eng. B., 2002, v. 91-92, p. 537-540.
  43. Vakiv M.M., Hadzaman I.V., Kovalskiy A.P., Kravtsiv M.M., Mrooz O.Ya., Shpotyuk O.I.  Thermoresistive material. – Patent of Ukraine on invention No 47534. IPC H01C7/04, H01C7/13, C04B35/00 //C04B101:00. Appl. No 2000041956 from 6.04.2000. Registr. 15.07.2002. Bul. No 7.
  44. Shpotyuk O.I., Kovalskiy A.P. Compositional trends in radiation-optical properties of chacogenide glasses. – J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Mat., 2002, v. 4, No 3, p. 751-762.
  45. Shpotyuk O.I., Vakiv M.M., Kovalskii A.P., Skordeva E., Vateva E., Arsova D., Golovchak R.Ya., Lutsiv R.V. Radiation-induced effects in Ge-As-S chalcogenide glasses. – Glass Phys. Chem., 2000, v. 26, No 3, p. 260-264.
  46. Shpotyuk O.I., Golovchak R.Ya., Kovalskiy A.P., Pamukchieva V., Skordeva E., Arsova D. On the mechanism of radiation-induced optical effects in vitreous As2S3-GeS2. – Ukr. J. Phys. Optics, 2002, v. 3, No 2, p. 134-143.
  47. Altenburg H., Plewa J., Plesch G., Shpotyuk O. Thick films of ceramic, superconducting, and electro-ceramic materials. – Pure Appl. Chem., 2002, v. 74, No 11, p. 2021-2034.
  48. Bodak O., Akselrud L., Demchenko P., Kotur B., Mrooz O., Hadzaman I., Shpotyuk O., Aldinger F., Seifert H., Volkov S., Pechnyyo V. Microstructure, crystal struscture and electrical properties of Cu0.1Ni0.8Co0.2Mn1.9O4 ceramics obtained at different sintering conditions. – J. Alloys and Compounds, 2002, v. 347, p. 14-23.
  49. Balitska V.O., Butkievich B., Shpotyuk O.I., Vakiv M.M. On the analytical description of ageing kinetics in ceramic manganite-based NTC thermistors. – Microelectronics Reliability, 2002, v. 42, p. 2003-2007.
  50. Shpotyuk Olek, Filipecki Jacek, Golovchak Roman, Kovalskiy Andriy, Hyla Malgorzata. Application of Positron Annihilation Lifetime Technique for ?-Irradiation Stresses Study in Semiconductors. –  Advanced Eng. Mat., 2002, v. 4, No 8, p. 571-574.
  51. Shpotyuk O., Filipecki J., Kozdras A., Kovalskiy A. Coordination positron-trapping centers in vitreous chalcogenide semiconductors. – Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 2003, v. 0, No 2, p. 795-798.
  52. Shpotyuk O.I. On the microstructural origin of reversible photo-induced transformations in amorphous As2Se3. – Opto-Electronis Rev., 2003, v.11 (1), p. 19-25.
  53. Shpotyuk O.I., Filipecki J., Kozdras A., Balitska V. Radiation-induced coordination topological defects in chalcogenide glasses. – Rad. Effects and Defects in Solids, 2003, v.158, p. 433-437
  54. Kovalskiy A., Kavetskyy T., Plewa J., Shpotyuk O. Interpretation of radiation-induced phenomena in chalcogenide glasses of Ge-Sb-S system using free volume and covalent chemical bonds concepts. – Solid State Phenomena, 2003, v. 90-91, p. 241-246.
  55. Shpotyuk O.I., Kavetskyy T.S., Kovalskiy A.P. Phenomenological model of radiation-induced optical effects in Sb2S3-GeS2(Ge2S3) chalcogenide glasses. – Proc. SPIE, 2002, v. 5122, p. 94-102.
  56. Balitska V., Golovchak R., Kovalskiy A., Skordeva E., Shpotyuk O.I. Effect of Co60 ?-irradiation on the optical properties of As-Ge-S glasses. – J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 2003, v. 326-327, p. 130-134.
  57. Shpotyuk O.I., Filipecki J., Kozdras A., Kavetskyy T.S. Radiation-induced defect formation in chalcigenide glasses. – J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 2003, v. 326-327, p. 268-272.
  58. Filipecki J., Shpotyuk O.I., Kozdras A., Kovalskiy A.P. Positron lifetime study of native vacanvy-like defects in chalcogenide glasses. – Rad. Phys. Chem., 2003, v. 68, p. 557-559.
  59. Shpotyuk O., Kovalskiy A., Filipecki J., Hyla M., Kozdras A. A nanoscale characterisation of extended defects in glassy-like As2Se3 semiconductors with PAL technique. – Physica B, 2003, v. 340-342, p. 960-964.
  60. Shpotyuk O., Kovalskiy A., Kavetskyy T., Golovchak R. Post-irradiation thermally simulated recovering of some termary chalcogenide glasses. – J. Optoelectronics and Advances Mat., 2003, v. 5, No 5, 1169-1179.
  61. Shpotyuk O., Kovalskiy A., Golovchak R., Popesku M. Chemical interaction of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors with absorbed impurities induced by ?-irradiation. – J. Optoelectronics and Advances Mat., 2003, v. 5, No 5, 1181-1185.
  62. Shpotyuk O., Filipecki J. Free volume in vitreous chalcogenide semiconductors: possibilities of position annihilation lifetime study. – Czestochowa: Ed. WSP w Czestochowie, 2003. 114 p.
  63. Kavetskyy T., Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Filipecki J., Swiatek J. On the compositional trends in impurity absortion of Ge-As(Sb)-S glasses. – J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2004, v. 6, No 4, 1141-1146.
  64. Vakiv M., Hadzaman I., Shpotyuk O., Plewa J., Altenburg H., Uphoff H., Bodak O., Demchenko P. On the of mass-transfer processes in ageing of manganite electroceramics. – J. Europ. Ceram. Soc., 2004, v. 24, p. 1277-1280.
  65. Vakiv M.M., Shpotyuk O.I., Balitska V.O., Butkiewicz B., Shpotyuk L.I. Ageing behavior of electrical resistance in manganite NTC ceramics. – J. Europ. Ceram. Soc., 2004, v. 24, p. 1243-1246.
  66. Shpotyuk O.I., Kovalskiy A.P., Kavetskyy T.S., Golovchak R.Ya. Threshold restoration effects in ?-irradiated chalcogenide glasses. – J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 2005, v. 351, p. 993-997.
  67. Kozdras A., Filipecki J., Hyla M., Shpotyuk O., Kovalskiy A., Szymura S. Nanovolume positron traps in glassy-like As3Se3. – J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 2005, v. 351, p. 1077-1081.
  68. Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O., Kovalskiy A., Filipecki J. Modified positron annihilation model for glassy-like As2Se3. – Acta Phys. Pol. A, 2005, v. 107, p. 832-836.
  69. Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Shpotyuk M., Gorecki Cz., Kozdras A. Ageing effects in As10Se90 chalcogenide glasses induced by ?-irradiation. – Ukr. J. Phys., 2005, v. 50, No 7, p. 690-693.
  70. Shpotyuk O., Filipecki J. Void species structure of chalcogenide glasses by the positron annihilation lifetime technique. – Phys. Chem. Glasses, 2005, v. 46, No 2, p. 170-172.
  71. Shpotyuk O., Ingram A., Klym H., Vakiv M., Hadzaman I., Filipecki J. PAL spectroscopy in application to humidity-sensitive MgAl2O4 ceramics. – J. Europ. Ceram. Soc., 2005, v. 25, p. 2981-2984.
  72. Shpotyuk O., Balitska V., Filipecki J. Photo-induced cooperative covalent-bond switching in amorphous arsenic selenide. – J. Phys., 2005, v. 21, p. 81-86.
  73. Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O. Radition-induced bond switching in mixed Ge-As sulphide galsses. – Phil. Mag., 2005, v.85, No 25, p. 2847-2860.
  74. Shpotyuk O., Kovalskiy A., Filipecki J. The application of radiation modification route for chalcogenideglasses. – World Glass Plants and Accessories, 2005, v. 4, p. 90-92.
  75. Kavetskyy T.S., Shpotyuk O.I. Nanostructural voids in glassy-like As2Se3 studied with FSDP-related XRD and PALS techniques. – J. Optoelectronics and Advances Mat., 2005, v. 5, No 7, p. 2267-2273.
  76. 76. Golovchak R.Ya., Gorecki Cz., Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O.I. Physical ageing effects in vitreous arsenic selenides. – Solid State Commun., 2006, v. 137, p. 67-69.
  77. 77. Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Kozdras A., Szymura S., Shpotyuk M. Structural relaxation in vitreous arsenic selenide induced by ?-irradiation. – Phys. Chem. Glasses, 2005, v. 46, No 6, p. 579-582.
  78. Golovchak R., Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O. Physical ageing in vitreous As13.5Ge4.5Se82 modified by high-energy gamma-irradiation. – Physica B, 2006, v. 371, p. 323-326.
  79. Golovchak R.Ya., Shpotyuk O.I. Radition-induced defect formation in ternary Ge-As-S vitreous semiconductors. – Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2004, v. 230-232, p. 67-79.
  80. Golovchak R.Ya., Shpotyuk O.I., Boyko V.T., Zurawska A. On the temperature behaviour of optical transmission spectra of ?-modified vitreous As2S3. – Ukr. J. Phys. Optics, 2006, v. 7, p. 18-23.
  81. Shpotyuk O., Golovchak R.Ya. Physical ageing effects in selenide glasses accelerated by highly energetic ?-irradiation. – J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 2006, v. 352, p. 704-708.
  82. Shpotyuk O., Kovalskiy A., Filipecki J., Kavetskyy T. Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy as experimental probe of free volume concepts in network glasses. – Phys. Chem. Glasses, 2006, v. 47, p. 131-135.
  83. Golovchak R.Ya., Kozdras A., Gorecki Cz., Shpotyuk O.I. Gamma-irradiation-induced physical ageing in As-Se glasses. – J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 2006, v. 352, p. 4960-4963.
  84. Shpotyuk O., Balitska V. Photoinduced covalent-bond switching in amorphous arsenic selenide. – J. Optoelectronics and Advances Mat., 2006, v. 8, No 6, p. 2070-2076.
  85. Shpotyuk O.I., Filipecki J., Kozdras A., Popescu M., Hyla M. Positron trapping in chalcogenide glasses: a comparison between arsenic sulphide and selenide. – Archives of Materials Science, 2006, v. 27, No. 4, p. 167-175.
  86. Shpotyuk O.I., Golovchak R.Ya., Jain H., Kozdras A. Radiation-induced physical ageing of the structure of an arsenic-selenide glass. – J. Phys. Chem. Sol., 2007, v. 68, p. 901-905.
  87. Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Kozdras A., Burea B., Vlcek M., Ganjoo A. Jain H. Atomistic model of physical ageing in Se-rech As-Se glasses. – Phil. Mag. B, 2007, v. 87, No 28, p. 4323-4334.
  88. Golovchak R., Kovalskiy A., Miller A.C., Jain H., Shpotyuk O. Structure of Se-rich As-Se glasses by high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. – Phys. Rev. B, 2007, v. B 76,  p. 125208-1-7.
  89. Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Kozdras A. On the reversibility window in binary As-Se glasses. – Phys. Lett. A, 2007, v. 370, p. 504-508.
  90. Golovchak R.Ya., Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O.I. Physical ageing in glassy As-Se induced by above-bandgap photoexposure. – Solid State Commun., 2008, v. 145, p. 423-426.
  91. Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Kovalskiy A., Miller A.C., Cech J., Jain H. Coordination defects in bismuth-modified arsenic selenide glasses: High-resolution XPS measurements. – Phys. Rev. B, 2008, v. B 77, p. 172201-1-4.
  92. Shpotyuk O., Hyla M., Boyko V., Golovchak R. Reversibility windows in selenide-based chalcogenide glasses. – Physica  B: Condensed Matter, 2008, v. 403, p. 3830-3837.
  93. Balitska V., Shpotyuk O. Structural relaxation in radiation modified chalcogenide glasses. – Phys. Chem. Glass., 2009, v. 50, p. 52-54.
  94. Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Kozyukhin S., Kovalskiy A., Miller A.C., Jain H. Structural paradigm of Se-rich Ge-Se glasses by high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. – J. Appl. Phys., 2009, v. 105, p. 103704-1-7.
  95. Golovchak R., Kozdras A., Kozyukhin S., Shpotyuk O. High-energy ?-irradiation effect on physical ageing in Ge-Se glasses. – Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 2009, v. 267, p. 2958-2961.
Публікації за 2010 рік
  1. Hadzaman I., Klym H., Shpotyuk O., Brunner M. Temperature sensitive spinel-type ceramics in thick-film multolayer performance for environment sensors. – Acta Phys. Pol., 2010, v. 117, p. 233-236.
  2. Shpotyuk O., Golovchak R., Boyko V., Kozyukhin S. Cluster modeling of quasi-adaptive phases in vitreous germanium selenides. – Phys. Stat. Sol., 2010, v. C7, p. 921-924.
  3. Golovchak R., Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O. Optical signature of structural relaxation in glassy As10S90. J. Non-Crys. Sol., 2010, v. 356, p. 1149-1152.
  4. Blonskyi I., Kadan V., Shpotyuk O., Iovu M., Pavlov I. Femtosecond filamentation in chalcogenide glasses limited by two-photon absorption. – Opt. Materials, 2010, v. 32, No 11, p. 1553-1557.
  5. Golovchar R., Shpotyuk O., McCloy J.S., Riley B.J., Windisch C.F., Sundaram S.R., Kovalskiy A., Jain H. Structural model of homogeneous As-S glasses derived from Raman spectroscopy and high-resolution XPS. – Philosophical Magazine, 2010, v. 90, p. 4489-4501.
  6. Klym H., Ingram A., Shpotyuk O., Filipecki J., Hadzaman I. Extended defects in insulating MgAl2O4 ceramic materials studied by PALS methods. – Inst. of Physics: Conf. Ser., 2010, v. 15, p. 012044-1-5.
  7. Balitska V., Shpotyuk Ya., Filipecki J., Shpotyuk O. Radiation-induced defects in As-Sb-S glass. – Inst. of Physics: Conf. Ser., 2010, v. 15, p. 012054-1-6.
  8. Boyko V., Shpotyuk O., Hyla M. Double-bond defect modelling in As-S glasses. – Inst. of Physics: Conf. Ser., 2010, v. 15, p. 012074-1-4.
  9. Shpotyuk M, Golovchak R., Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O. Radiation-induced physical ageing in network arsenic-sulfide/selenide glasses. – Inst. of Physics: Conf. Ser., 2010, v. 15, p. 012056-1-5.
  10. Головчак Р.Я., Козюхин С.А., Лоздрась А., Шпотюк О.И., Новоторцев В.М. Физическое старение халькогенидных стекол. – Неорганические мат., 2010, т. 46, № 8, с. 1012-1015ю
Публікації за 2011 рік
  1. Blonskyi I., Kadan V., Shpotyuk O., Iovu M., Korenyuk P., Dmitruk I. Filament-induced self-written waveguides in glassy As4Ge30S66. – Appl. Phys. B, 2011, v. 104, p. 951-956.
  2. Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Iovu M., Kovalskiy A., Jain H. Topology and chemical order in AsxGexSe1-2x: A high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study. – J. Non-Crys. Sol., 2011, v. 357, p. 3454-3460.
  3. Golovchak R., Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O., Gorecki Cz., Kovalskiy A., Jain H. Temperature-dependent structural relaxation in As40Se60 glass. – Physics Letters, 2011, v. A375, p. 3032-3036.
  4. Golovchak R., Kovalskiy A., Shpotyuk O., Jain H. In search of energy landscape for network glasses. – Appl. Physics Letters, 2011, v. 98, p. 17905-1-3.
  5. Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Kozyukhin S., Shpotyuk M., Kovalskiy A., Jain H. Short-range order evolution in S-rich Ge-S glasses by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. – J. Non-Crys. Sol., 2011, v. 357, p. 1797-1803.
  6. Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Kozdras A., Riley B.J., Sundaram S.K., McCloy J.S. Radiation effects in physical aging of binary As-S and As-Se glasses. – J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 2011, v. 103, p. 213-218.
  7. Shpotyuk O., Golovchak R., Boyko V., Hyla M. Topological controversies in the adaptability concept for glassy germanium selenides. – J. Non-Crys. Sol., 2011, v. 357, p. 479-482.
  8. Balitska V., Shpotyuk Ya., Filipecki J., Shpotyuk O., Iovu M. Post-irradiation relaxation in vitreous arsenic/antimony trisulphides. – J. Non-Crys. Sol., 2011, v. 357, p. 487-489.
  9. Shpotyuk O., Balitska V., Hadzxaman I., Klym H. Sintering-modified mixed Ni-Co-Cu oxymanganospinels for NTC electroceramics. – J. Alloys and Compounds, 2011, v. 509, p. 447-450.
  10. Kozdras A., Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Szymura S. Light-assisted physical aging in chalcogenide glasses: Dependence on the wavelength of incident photons. – J. Mater. Res., 2011, v. 26, p. 2420-2427.
Публікації за 2012 рік
  1. Ingram A., Golovchak R., Kostrzewa M., Wacke S., Shpotyuk M., Shpotyuk O. Compositional dependences of average positron lifetime in binary As-S/Se glasses. – Phys. B, 2012, v. 407, p. 652-655.
  2. Shpotyuk O., Filipecki J., Hyla M., Ingram A. Critical comments on speculations with open and closed “free volume defects … in ion-conducting Ag/AgI-As2S3 glasses…” – Solid State Ionics, 2012, v. 208, p. 1-3.
  3. Sundaram S.K., McCloy J.S., Riley B.J., Murphy M.K., Qiao H.A., Windisch C.F., Jr.,  Walter E.D., Crum J.V., Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O. Gamma radiation effects on physical, optical, and structural properties of binary As-S glasses. – J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 2012, v. 95, No 3, p. 1048-1055.
  4. Ingram A., Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O., Golovchak R. PAL signature of physical ageing in chalcogenide glasses. – Phys. Stat. Sol. B, 2012, v. 249, p. 1017-1019.
  5. Shpotyuk O., Golovchak R. Frontiers of self-organization in covalent-bonded glassy networks: a complexity originated from mixed molecular-clustering and chain-crossing in glassy germanoselenides Ge-Se. – J. Optoelectronics and Adv. Mat., 2012, v. 14, No 7-8, p. 596-602.
  6. Balitska V.O., Iovu M.S., Shpotyuk O.I. On the governed kinetics describing in-situ photo-darkening in thin As-Se films. – J. Optoelectronics and Adv. Mat., 2012, v. 14, No 7-8, p. 590-595.
  7. Golovchak R., Ingram A., Kozdras A., Vlcek M., Roiland C., Bureau B., Shpotyuk O. Initial stage of physical ageing in network glasses. – Philosophical Magazine, 2012, v. 92, No 33, p. 4182-4193.
  8. Golovchak R., Kozdras A., BalitskaV., Shpotyuk O. Step-wise kinetics of natural physical ageing in arsenic selenide glasses. – J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2012, v. 24, p. 505106-1-10.
  9. Balitska V., Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O. On the kinetics description of below-Tg structural relaxation in network glass formers. – Proc. of the Inetern. Conf. on Oxide Meterials for Electronic Engeeniring (OMEE-2012). Lviv, Ukraine: 3-7.09.2012. P. 85-86.
  10. Shpotyuk M., Chalyy D., Shpotyuk O., Iovu M., Andriesh A., Vakiv M., Ubizskii S. On the application of chalcogenide glasses in temperature sensors. – Proc. of the Inetern. Conf. on Oxide Meterials for Electronic Engeeniring (OMEE-2012). Lviv, Ukraine: 3-7.09.2012. P. 187-188.
Публікації за 2013 рік
  1. Chapter 8: Physical ageing of chalcogenide Glasses. By O. Shpotyuk, R. Golovchak, A. Kozdras.Published in: Chalcogenide glasses: Preparation, properties and applications (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronics and Optical Materials). Edited by Jean-Luc Adam and Xianghua Zhang. Philadelphia-New Delhi. 2013. P.209-264.
  2. Klym H., Hadzaman I., Shpotyuk O., Fu Q., Luo W., Deng J. Integrated thick-film p-i-p+ structures based on spinel ceramics. – Solid State Phenomena, 2013, v.  200, p. 156-161.
  3. Shpotyuk M., Chalyy D., Shpotyuk O., Iovu M., Kozdras A., Ubizskii S. Are the temperature sensors based on chalcogenide glass possible? – Solid State Phenomena, 2013, v.  200, p. 316-320.
  4. Golovchak R., Kovalskiy A., Shpotyuk O., Jain H. Structural organization of As-rich selenide glasses. – Solid State Commun., 2013, v. 165, p. 22-26.
  5. Golovchak R., Ingram A., Kozyukhin S., Shpotyuk O. Free volume fragmentation in glassy chalcogenides during natural physical ageing as probed by PAL spectroscopy. – J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2013, v. 377, p. 49-53.
  6. Balitska V.O., Iovu M.S., Shpotyuk O. Stretched exponential parameterizatiom of in-situ photodarkening kinetics in amorphous As-Se films. – J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2013, v. 377, p. 182-185.
  7. Golovchak R., Bureau B., Shpotyuk O., Boyko V., Hyla M. Bond-changing structural rearrangement in glassy As3Se7 associated with long-term physical ageing. – J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2013, v. 377, p. 43-45.
  8. Shpotyuk M., Shpotyuk O., Golovchak R., Demchenko P. FSDP-related correlations in ?-irradiated chalcogenide semiconductor glasses: The case of glassy arsenic trisulphide g-As2S3 revised. – J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 2013, v. 74, p. 41721-1725.
  9. Liu Y., Golovchak R., Heffner W., Shpotyuk O., Chen G., Jain H. Influence of Bi on topological self-organization in arsenic and germanium selecnide networks. – J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, v. 1, p. 6677-6683.
  10. Shpotyuk O., Hyla M., Boyko V. Structural-topological genesis of network-forming nanoclusters in chalcogenide semiconductor glasses. J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mat., 2013, v. 15, No. 11-12, p. 1429-1437.
Публікації за 2014 рік
  1. Hacinliyan A.S., Skarlatos Y., Kuzbeyzi Ayrbar I., Aurbar O.O., Shpotyuk O., Golovchak R., Balitska V., Kozdras A. Natural physical ageing in glassy As-Se: A comparative study of chaotic behavior with enhanced results analysis. – J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2014, v. 386, p. 8-13.
  2. Shpotyuk M., Shpotyuk O., Golovchak R., McCloy J., Riley B. Compositional trends of ?-induced optical changes observed in chalcogenide glasses of binary As-S system. – J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2014, v. 386, p. 95-99.
  3. Shpotyuk O., Calvez L., Petracovschi E., Klym H., Ingram A., Demchenko P. Thermally-induced crystallization behaviour of 80GeSe2-20Ga2Se3 glass as probed by combined X-ray diffraction and PAL spectroscopy. – J. Alloys and Compounds, 2014, v. 582, p. 323-327.
  4. Balitska V., Golovchak R., Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O. Fine kinetics of natural physical ageing in glassy As10Se90. – Phys. B, 2014, v. 434, p. 21-25.
  5. Shpotyuk M., Shpotyuk O., Serkiz R., Demchenko P., Kozyukhin S. Surface oxidation in glassy arsenic trisulphide induced by high-energy ?-irradiation. – Rad. Phys. Chem., 2014, v. 97, p. 341-345.
  6. Golovchak R., Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O. Kinetics of light-assisted physical ageing in chalcogenide glasses. – J. Mater. Science, 2014, v. 49, No 7, p. 2844-2852.
  7. Klym H., Ingram A., Hadzaman I., Shpotyuk O. Evolution of porous structure and free-volume entities in magnesium aluminate spinel ceramics. – Ceramics International, 2014, v. 40, p. 8561-8567.
  8. Shpotyuk O., Ingram A., Bureau B., Shpotyuk Ya., Boussard-Pledel C., Nazabal V., Szatanik R. Positron annihilation probing of crystallization effects in TAS-235 glass affected by Ga additions. – J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 2014, v. 74, p. 1049-1053.
  9. Shpotyuk O., Filipecki J., Shpotyuk M., Ingram A. Free volume evolution in chalcogenide glasses as probed by PAL spectroscopy. – Solid State Ionics, 2014, v. 267, p. 38-43.
  10. Shpotyuk O., Balitska V., Kozdras A., Hacinliyan A.S., Skarlatos Y., Kusbeyzi Aybar I., Aybar O.O. Chaotic behavior of light-assisted physical aging in arsenoselenide glasses. – Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2014, v. 24, p. 043138-1-8.
Публікації за 2015 рік
  1. Bujnakova Z., Balaz P., Makreski P., Jovanovski G., Caplovicova M., Caplovic L., Shpotyuk O., Ingram A., Lee T.-C., Cheng J.-J., Sedlak J., Turianicova E., Zorkovska A. Arsenic sulfide nanoparticles prepared by milling: properties, free-volume characterization, and anti-cancer effects. – J. Mater. Science, 2015, v. 50, p. 1973-1985.
  2. Shpotyuk O., Ingram A.,  Demchenko P. Free volume structure of realgar alpha-As4S4 by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. – J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 2015, v. 79, p. 49-54.
  3. Golovchak R., Lucas P., Oelgoetz J., Kovalskiy A., York-Winegar J., Saiyasombat Ch., Shpotyuk O., Feygenson M., Neuefeind J., Jain H. Medium range order and structural relaxation in As–Se network glasses through FSDP analysis. – Materials Chem. Phys., 2015, v. 153, p. 432-442.
  4. Shpotyuk O., Ingram A., Szatanik R., Shpotyuk M., Golovchak R. Structural-relaxation phenomena in As-S glasses as probed by combined PAL/DBAR technique. – Materials Chem. Phys., 2015, v. 155, p. 76-82.
  5. Shpotyuk O., Filipecki J., Ingram A., Golovchak R., Vakiv M., Klym H., Balitska V., Shpotyuk M., Kozdras A. Positronics of subnanometer atomistic imperfections in solids as a high-informative struvcture characterization tool. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2015, v. 10, p. 77-1-77-5.
  6. Klym H., Ingram A., Shpotyuk O., Calvez L., Petracovschi E., Kulyk B., Serkiz R., Szatanik R. “Cold” crystallization in nanostructurized 80GeSe2-20Ga2Se3 glass. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2015, v. 10, p. 49-1-49-8.
  7. Shpotyuk M., Ingram A., Shpotyuk O. Characterization of radiation-induced effects in amorphous arsenic sulfides by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. – J. Mater. Res., 2015, v. 30, No 9, p. 1422-1429.
Публікації за 2016 рік
  1. Shpotyuk O., Bujnakova Z., Balaz P., Ingram A., Shpotyuk Y. Positron annihilation lifetime study of polyvinylpyrrolidone for nanoparticle-stabilizing pharmaceuticals. – Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016, v. 117, p. 419-425.
  2. Shpotyuk M., Hyla M., Shpotyuk O., Gurin V. Radiation-induced bond switching in chalcogenide semiconductor glasses from first-principles quantum-chemical calculations: On the role of dipole-type charged coordination defects. – Computational Materials Science, 2016, v. 113, p. 112-116.
  3. Shpotyuk Ya., Ingram A., Shpotyuk O. PAL spectroscopy of rare-earth doped Ga-Ge-Te/Se glasses. – Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2016, v. 91, p. 76-79.
  4. Shpotyuk O., Ingram A., Bujnakova Z., Balaz P., Shpotyuk Ya. Probing sub-atomistic free-volume imperfections in dry-milled nanoarsenicals with PAL spectroscopy. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2016, v. 11, p. 10-1-10-7.
  5. Shpotyuk Ya., Ingram A., Shpotyuk O., Dziedzic A., Boussard-Pledel C., Bureau B. Free-volume nanostructurization in Ga-modified As2Se3 glass. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2016, v. 11, p. 20-1-20-7.
  6. Shpotyuk M.V., Shpotyuk O.I., Cebulski J., Kozyukhin S. Destructive clustering of metal nanoparticles in chalcogenide and oxide glassy matrices. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2016, v. 11, p. 34-1-34-6.
  7. Shpotyuk O., Kozdras A., Balitska V., Golovchak R. On the compositional diversity of physical aging kinetics in chalcogenide glasses. – Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2016, v.  437, p. 1-5.
  8. Shpotyuk O., Shpotyuk M., Cebulski J. On the energetic criterion for destructive clustering of metallic nanoparticles in chalcogenide and oxide glassy matrices. – Physica Status Solidi B, 2016, v. 253, p. 494-498.
  9. Shpotyuk Ya., Ingram A., Shpotyuk O., Boussard-Pledel C., Nazabal V., Bureau B. Effect of rare-earth doping on the free-volume structure of Ga-modified Te20As30Se50 glass. – RSC Advances, 2016, v.  6, p.  22797-22802.
  10. Golovchak R., Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O., Balitska V. Crossover between cooperative and fractal relaxation in complex glass-formers. – Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2016, v. 28, p. 355101-1-355101-10.
Публікації за 2017 рік
  1. Kovalskiy A., Vlcek M., Palka K., Buzek J., York-Winegar J., Oelgoetz J., Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O., Jain H. Structural origin of surface transformations in arsenic sulfide thin films upon UV-irradiation. – Applied Surface Science 394 (2017) 604-612.
  2. Shpotyuk O., Bujnakova Z., Balaz P., Ingram A., Demchenko P., Kovalskiy A., Vlcek M., Shpotyuk Ya., Cebulski J., Dziedzic A. Nanostructurization effects in PVP-stabilized tetra-arsenic tetrasulfide As4S4 nanocomposites. – Materials Chemistry and Physics 186 (2017) 251-260.
  3. Bujnakova Z., Balaz M., Zduriencikova M., Sedlak J., Caplovicova M., Caplovic L., Dutkova E., Zorkovska A., Turianicova E., Balaz P., Shpotyuk O., Andrejko S. Preparation, properties and anticancer effects of mixed As4S4/ZnS nanoparticles capped by Poloxamer 407. – Materials Science and Eng. C 71 (2017) 541-551.
  4. Shpotyuk O., Ingram A., Bujnakova Z., Balaz P. Microstructure hierarchical model of competitive e+-Ps trapping in nanostructurized substances: from nanoparticle-uniform to nanoparticle-biased systems. – Nanoscale Research Letters 12:72 (2017) 1-9.
  5. Shpotyuk O., Shpotyuk M., Ubizskii S. Radiation-induced optical effects in chalcogenide semiconductor glasses. – Radiation & Applications, 2 (2017) 94-100.
  6. Shpotyuk O., Bujnakova Z., Sayagues M.J., Balaz P., Ingram A., Shpotyuk Ya., Demchenko P.
  7. Microstructure characterization of multifunctional As4S4/Fe3O4 nanocomposites prepared by high-energy mechanical milling. – Materials Characterization 132 (2017) 303-311.
  8. Kadan V., Blonskyi I., Shynkarenko Ye., Rybak A., Calvez L., Mytsyk B., Shpotyuk O. Single-pulse femtosecond laser fabrication of concave microlens- and micromirror arrays in chalcohalide glass. – Optics and Laser Technology 96 (2017) 283-289.
  9. Shpotyuk O., Ingram A., Shpotyuk Ya., Bujnakova Z., Balaz P. PVP-stabilized arsenic sulfide As4S4 nanocomposites probed with positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. – Polymer Engineering and Science, 57 (2017) 502-505.
  10. Bunton J., Calvez L., Kadan V., Blonskyi I., Shpotyuk O., Golovchak R. Near-IR emission of Er3? ions in CsCl-Ga-Ge-S glasses excited by visible light. – Optical Materials 72 (2017) 195-200.
  11. Shpotyuk O., Adamiv V., Teslyuk I., Ingram A. Positron lifetime spectroscopy of lithium tetraborate Li2B4O7 glass. – Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 471 (2017) 338-343.
Публікації за 2018 рік
  1. Mytsyk B., Shpotyuk O., Demyanyshyn N., Kost’ Y., Andrushchak A., Calvez L. Photoelastic and acousto-optic efficiency of chalcohalide 65GeS2-25Ga2S3-10CsCl glass. – Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, v. 481, p. 160-163.
  2. Shpotyuk O., Ingram A., Shpotyuk Ya. Free-volume characterization of nanostructurized substances by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. –Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2018, v. 416, p. 102-109.
  3. Balitska V., Shpotyuk O., Brunner M., Hadzaman I. Stretched-to-compressed-exponential crossover observed in the electrical degradation kinetics of some spinel-metallic screen-printed structures. – Chemical Physics, 2018, v. 501, p.121-127.
  4. Shpotyuk O., Vakiv M., Shpotyuk M., Kozyukhin S. Reply to Kavetskyy and Stepanov’s “Comments on the “Metallic nanoparticles (Cu, Ag, Au) in chalcogenide and oxide glassy matrices: comparative assessment in terms of chemical bonding”. – Semiconductors Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics, 2018, v. 21, No 1, p. 100-101.
  5. Shpotyuk O., Kozdras A., Saiter J.-M., Golovchak R.Comment on “Molecular origin of aging of pure Se glass: Growth of inter-chain structural correlations, network compaction, and partial ordering” [J. Chem. Phys. 146, 224506 (2017)]. – J. Chem. Phys., 2018, v. 148, p. 157101-1-2.
  6. Shpotyuk M., Kovalskiy A., Golovchak R., Shpotyuk O. Phenomenology of ?-irradiation-induced changes in optical properties of chalcogenide semiconductor glasses: a case study of binary arsenic sulfides. – Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, v. 498, p. 315-322.
  7. Shpotyuk O., Balaz P., Bujnakova Z., Ingram A., Demchenko P., Shpotyuk Y., Mechanochemically-driven amorphization of nanostructurized arsenicals, the case of ?-As4S4. – Journal of Materials Science, 2018, v. 53, p. 13464-13476.
  8. Shpotyuk O., Ingram A., Bujnakova Z., Balaz P., Shpotyuk Ya., Boussard-Pledel C., Bureau B. Free-volume Structure of glass-As2Se3/PVP Nanocomposites Prepared by Mechanochemical Milling. – AIP Conf. Proc. 1981, 2018, p. 020150-1-020150-4.
  9. Balitska V., Shpotyuk O., Brunner M. Degradation-relaxation phenomenology in nano-composites: on the linearized kinetics crossover. – AIP Conf. Proc. 1981, 2018, p. 020161-1-4.
  10. Klym H., Kozdras A., Shpotyuk O., Karbovnyk I. XRD and DSC studies of GeS2-Ga2S3 glasses. – Proc. of the 2018 IEEE 8th Intern. Conf. on Nano-mater.: Appl. & Properties (NAP-2018), Part 1. Sumy, Sumy State Univ., 2018. P. 01SPN89-1-01SPN89-4.
Публікації за 2019 рік
  1. O. Shpotyuk, A. Kozdras, P. Baláz, Z. Bujnáková, Y. Shpotyuk, Thermal-alteration interphase transformations in natural and synthetic arsenic sulfide polymorphs. – J. Chem. Thermodynamics 128 (2019) 110-118.
  2. Ya Shpotyuka, C. Boussard-Pledel, B. Bureau, P. Demchenko, J. Szlęzak, J. Cebulski, Z. Bujňáková, P. Baláž, O. Shpotyuk, Effect of high-energy mechanical milling on the FSDP-related XRPD correlations in Se-rich glassy arsenic selenides. – J. Phys. Chem. Solids 124 (2019) 318-326.
  3. O. Shpotyuk, P. Demchenko, Y. Shpotyuk, Z. Bujňáková, P. Baláž, Medium-range structural changes in glassy As2S3 driven by high-energy mechanical milling. – J. Non-Cryst. Solids 505 (2019) 347-353.
  4. O. Shpotyuk, L. Calvez, A. Ingram, Y. Shpotyuk, V. Kadan, I. Blonskyi, R. Szatanik, Effect of Er3+-doping on 65GeS2-25Ga2S3-10CsCl glass probed by annihilating positrons. – Optical Mater. 88 (2019) 625-629.
  5. O. Shpotyuk, Critical remark on the FSDP-related correlations in chalcogenide glasses as treated in the paper [Alekberov RI, Isayev AI, Mekhtiyeva SI, Fábián M. Local structures and optical properties of As-Se-Te(S) chalcogenide glasses. Phys B: Condens Matter 2018; 550: 367–375]. – Results in Phys. 12 (2019) 2098-2099.
  6. O. Shpotyuk, A. Kozdras, P. Balaz, Z. Bujnakova, Y. Shpotyuk, DSC TOPEM study of high-energy mechanical milling-driven amorphization in β-As4S4-based arsenicals. – J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 135 (2019) 2935-2941.
  7. I. Blonskyi, V. Kadan, O. Shpotyuk, L. Calvez, I. Pavlov, S. Pavlova, A. Dmytruk, A. Rybak, P. Korenyuk, Upconversion fluorescence assisted visualization of femtosecond laser filaments in Er-doped chalcohalide 65GeS2-25Ga2S3-10CsCl glass. – Optics and Laser Technol. 119 (2019) 105621-1-105621-6.
  8. M. Shpotyuk, O. Shpotyuk, V. Balitska, Combined configuration-enthalpy model describing radiation-optical responses in chalcogenide semiconductor glasses. – Rad. Phys. Chem. 165 (2019) 108401-1-108401-5.
  9. I.V. Blonskyi, V.M. Kadan, S.V. Pavlova, I.A. Pavlov, O.I. Shpotyuk, O.K. Khasanov, Ultrashort light pulses in transparent solids: propagation peculierities and practical applications.Ukr. J. Phys. 61 (2019) 457-463.
  10. Oleh Shpotyuk, Pavlo Demchenko, Yaroslav Shpotyuk, Zdenka Bujňáková, Peter Baláž, Malgorzaqta Hyla, Vitaliy Boyko, Amorphization diversity driven by high-energy mechanical milling in β-As4S4 polymorph. – Mater. Today Commun. 21 (2019) 100679-1-100679-11.