Дудок Тарас Григорович

Головний інженер інституту

кандидат фізико-математичних наук
(01.04.05 Оптика, лазерна фізика)

технічний редактор
“Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics”

Народився 08.04.1966 р.

1983 – 1989 рр. – Львівський державний університет ім. Ів. Франка, фізичний факультет (спеціальність: оптичні і оптико-електронні системи);
2019 р. – Кандидатська дисертація "Лазерна генерація в неоднорідно орієнтованому холестерику"

Трудова діяльність:
1989 – 1993 рр. інженер-оптик, Фізико-механічний інститут імені В.Г. Карпенка АН України
1993 – 2003 рр. інженер 1-ї кат., Iнститут фізичної оптики МОН України
2003 – 2010 рр. заступник директора Iнституту фізичної оптики МОН України
З червня 2010 р. – головний інженер Інституту фізичної оптики МОН України.

З 2000 – технічний редактор “Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics”

Вибрані наукові статті:

  1. T.Dudok, O.Korobova, V.Korobov, O.Moroz, I.Vlokh, R.Vlokh. 2003. Comparison of the Blood Component Optical Transmission Spectra of White Rats with and without Ethanol Intoxication. Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 4: 119-123
  2. T.Dudok, O.Korobova, V.Korobov, O.Moroz, I.Vlokh, R.Vlokh. 2003. The Effect of Ethanol Intoxication on the Spectral Characteristics for Blood Components of White Rats.  Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 4: 161-164.
  3. Martynyuk-Lototska I., Mys O., Dyachok Ya., Dudok T., Adamiv V., Burak Ya. and Vlokh R. Piezooptic Properties of beta-BaB2O4 and LiB4O7 Crystals.// Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. 2004. Vol.5.№1, p.19-26.
  4. Martynyuk-Lototska I., Dudok T., Dyachok Ya., Burak Ya. and Vlokh R. Acoustooptic Interaction in Barium Beta-Borate Crytstals.// Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. 2004. Vol.5.№2, p.67-69.
  5. Dudok K.P., Moroz O.M., Dudok T., Vlokh I. and Vlokh R. 2004. Spectroscopic Study of Haemoglobin Ligand Forms and Erythrocyte Membrane Dynamics at Alcohol Intoxication of White Rats. Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 5: 32-35.
  6. Martynyuk-Lototska I., Dudok T., Trach I., Vlokh R. Acoustooptic Diffraction and Light Absorbtion in Cs2BX4 (B=Hg, Cd; X=Br, Cl) Crystals.// Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. 2004. Vol.5.№3, p.77-80.
  7. Dudok K.P., Vlokh R., Vlokh I., Dudok T.G., Fedorovich A.M., Moroz O.M., Grinchishin N.M. 2004. Spectral Characteristics of Hemoglobin Taken from the Blood of Rats Subjected to Durable Ethanol Intoxication Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 5: 104-110.
  8. Martynyuk-Lototska I., Dudok T., Krupych O., Adamiv V., Smirnov Ye. and Vlokh R. Acoustooptic Diffraction in Borate Crystals.// Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. 2004. Vol.5.№4, p.111-114.
  9. T.Dudok, I. Martynyuk-Lototska, I.Trach, G.Romanyuk, M.Romanyuk and RVlokh. Dispersion of Refractive Indices in Cs2CdBr4 and Cs2HgBr4 Crystals.// Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. 2005. Vol.6.№1, p.24-26.
  10. Dudok K., Dudok T., Vlokh I. and Vlokh R..2005. Optical Spectra of Hemoglobin Taken from Alcohol Dependent Humans. Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 6: 142-145.
  11. I. Martynyuk-Lototska, T.Dudok and R. Vlokh. Acoustooptical Properties of A2BX4 Crystals (A = Cs, Hg; X = Cl, Br) // Ferroelectrics, 351:1-7, 2007.
  12. Martynyuk-Lototska, I., Mys, O., Dudok, T., Adamiv, V., Smirnov, Y., Vlokh, R. Acousto-optic interaction in alpha-BaB2O4 and Li2B4O7 crystals. 2008. Applied Optics, 47, 3446-3454.
  13. Martynyuk-Lototska I., Dudok T., Mys O., Vlokh R.   Elastic, piezooptic and acoustooptic properties of SrB4O7 and PbB4O7 crystals. Optical Materials 31, 4, 2009, 660-667.
  14. Vlokh I., Nechiporenko I., Hul A., Moroz O., Grinchishin N., Dudok K., Dudok T., Nastishin Yu., Vlokh R. 2009. Optical marking of alcohol induced hemoglobin modification Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 10: 1-21.
  15. Martynyuk-Lototska I., Dudok T., Mys O., Romanyuk G. and Vlokh R. 2009. Acoustooptic interaction and photoelastic properties of Li2B4O7 and alpha-BaB2O4 crystals at the wavelength of 442 nm. Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 10: 218-225.
  16. Nastishin Yu. A. and Dudok T. H., 2013. Optically pumped mirrorless lasing. A review. Part I. Random lasing. Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 14: 146–170.
  17. I. Venyte, E. Kibirkstis, V Mayik, T Dudok, Y Vasylkiv, 2014. Investigation of Resistance to Mechanical Effect of Braille Formed on Different Materials  - Materials Science. 20: 183-188.
  18. Nastishin Yu. A. and Dudok T. H., 2014. Optically pumped mirrorless lasing. A Review. Part II. Lasing in photonic crystals and microcavities. Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 15: 47 – 67.
  19. Dudok T. H., Krupych O. M., Savaryn V. I., Cherpak V. V., Fechan A.V., Gudeika D., Grazulevicius J. V.,  Pansu B. and Nastishin Yu. A. 2014. Lasing in a cholesteric liquid crystal doped with derivative of triphenylamine and 1,8-naphthalimide, and optical characterization char-acterization of the materials. Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 15: 162 – 172.
  20. Dudok T. H., Savaryn V. I., Fechan A.V., Cherpak V. V., Pansu B. and Nastishin Yu. A. 2014. Dot lasers: isotropic droplets in a cholesteric matrix, and vice versa. Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 15: 227–232.
  21. Braille text and raised images used in books for children who are blind or visually impaired. G Golob, DG Svetec, A Leskovšek, AM Turnšek, I Majnarić, T Dudok, V Mayik, R Urbas. Proceedings of the 7th Symposium of Information and Graphic Arts Technology / Urbas, Raša (ed). - Ljubljana : Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering , 2014. 109-113
  22. Venyte, I., Kibirkštis, E., Mayik, V., Dudok, T., Vasylkiv, Y. 2014. Investigation of resistance to mechanical effect of braille formed on different materials [Brailio rašto, suformuoto ant skirtingu medžiagu, atsparumo mechaniniam poveikiui tyrimas]. Medziagotyra, 20 (2), pp. 183-188. DOI: 10.5755/j01.ms.20.2.3039
  23. Ivaniuk K., Chapran M., Cherpak V., Barylo G., Stakhira P., Hotra Z., Hladun M. and Dudok T. 2015. Electro-optic properties of exciplex-type organic electroluminescence devices depending on the technologies of active-layer preparation. Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 16: 95 – 102.
  24. T. Dudok, V.I. Savaryn, O.M. Krupych, A.V. Fechan, E. Lychkovskyy, V.V. Cherpak, B. Pansu, Yu.A. Nastishin Lasing in imperfectly aligned cholesterics Applied Optics 54(33):9644-9653 · November 2015
  25. Dudok, Taras & Savaryn, V.I. & Meyer, Claire & Cherpak, V.V. & Fechan, A.V. & Lychkovskyy, E.I. & Pansu, B & Nastishin, Yu. (2016). Lasing cholesteric capsules. Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. 17. 169-175. 10.3116/16091833/17/4/169/2016.
  26. Mayik, V.Z., Dudok, T.H., Kibirkstis, E. 2016. A research of technology of Braille vacuum forming method. 21st International Scientific Conference: Mechanika 2016 - Proceedings, pp. 186-189.
  27. Nastishin, Yu & Dudok, Taras & Hrabchak, V.I. & Lychkovskyy, E & Yu, Y.M. & Vankevych, P.I. & Meyer, Claire & Pansu, B. (2017). Lasing in a hybrid-aligned cholesteric. Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. 18. 121-130. 10.3116/16091833/18/3/121/2017.
  28. E. KIBIRKŠTIS, K. VAITASIUS, V. MAYIK, T. DUDOK, R. ZATSERKOVNA, L. MAYIK. Investigation of the Strength of the Welds of Modified Polymer Films (2018) Proceedings of 23rdInternational Conference “MECHANIKA 2018” 18 May 2018. Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. pp.89-91
  29. Martynyuk-Lototska, I., Vasylkiv, Y., Dudok, T., Skab, I., Vlokh, R. Acoustooptic operation of optical vortex beams. (2018) Optik, 155, pp. 179-184. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.11.015
  30. Mayik, V., Dudok, T., Kibirkštis, E., Venyte, I. 2019. Research of durability of Braille formed in paper. Mechanika, 25 (1), pp. 82-86. DOI: 10.5755/j01.mech.25.1.20985
  31. I Martynyuk-Lototska, T Dudok, O Mys, A Grabar, R Vlokh. Elasto-optic coefficients of Sn2P2S6 crystals as determined with Dixon-Cohen method. (2019) Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 20, pp. 54-59
  32. Martynyuk-Lototska I., Dudok T., Krupych O., Mys O. and Vlokh R. Elasto-optic coefficients of KGd(WO4)2 crystals. (2019) Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 20: 98 – 105.
  33. Iryna Martynyuk-Lototska, Oksana Mys, Taras Dudok, Bohdan Mytsyk, Natalya Demyanyshyn, Myroslav Kostyrko, Dmitro Adamenko, Mikhaylo Trubitsyn, and Rostyslav Vlokh. Experimental determination of full matrices of the piezo-optic and elasto-optic coefficients for Pb5Ge3O11 crystals. (2020) Appl. Opt. 59, 6717-6723
  34. Nastishin Yu. A., Dudok T., Savaryn V., Kostyrko M., Vasylkiv Yu., Hrabchak V., Ryzhov Ye. and Vlokh R. Liquid crystal textures and optical characterization of a dye-doped nematic for generating vector beams. (2021) Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 22: 151 – 164.
  35. Helzhynsky I., Kutsiy S., Veryha A., Ivaniuk K., and Dudok T. Development of Portable Device for Measurement of Dynamic and Static Light-Emission WOLED Characteristics (February 26, 2021). Technology audit and production reserves, 1 (1 (57)), 30-33, 2021. doi:10.15587/2706-5448.2021.225239
  36. Mayik, V., Dudok, T., Mayik, L., Lotoshynska, N., Izonin, I., Kusmierczyk, J. (2022). An Approach Towards Vacuum Forming Process Using PostScript for Making Braille. In: Hu, Z., Petoukhov, S., Yanovsky, F., He, M. (eds) Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Manufacturing. ISEM 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 463. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-03877-8_4