Titles and authors | pages |
The historical background
of the founding of electrogyration
Vlokh O.G. |
53 - 57 |
High accuracy polarimetry
and its application
Shopa Y. |
58 - 75 |
Multichannel acoustooptical
spectrum analyzers with the time integration
Martynyuk-Lototska I.Yu., Vlokh R.O. |
76 - 80 |
Raman study of gallium selenide
single crystal oxidation
Balitskii O.A., Savchyn V.P., Stakhira J.M., Yuchymchuk V.O. |
81 - 83 |
Growth and optical microscopy
observation of the lysozyme crystals
Vlokh R., Marsel L., Teslyuk I., Vlokh O.G. |
84 - 85 |
Symmetry analysis of the photorefractive
electrogyration and electrogyration study in the LiNbO3 crystals
Vlokh R., Kostyrko M., Kruchkevych V. |
86 - 92 |
Domain structure studying
in the Pb3(PO4)2 crystals by the imaging polarimeter
Krupych O.M., Kostyrko M.E., Vlokh R.O. |
93 - 97 |
Optical conoscopy of distorted
uniaxial liquid crystals: computer simulation and experiment
Nastishin Yu.A., Dovgyi O.B., Vlokh O.G. |
98 - 106 |
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