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Symmetry analysis of the photorefractive electrogyration
and electrogyration study in the LiNbO3 crystals
1,2Vlokh R., 1Kostyrko M., 1Kruchkevych
1Institute of Physical Optics, 23 Dragomanov
Str., 79005, L'viv, Ukraine
2National University “L'viv Polytechnic”,
12 S.Bandera Str., L'viv, Ukraine
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The article is devoted to the phenomenological investigation of the
possibility of the optical activity appearing under the photorefractive
effect in the non-gyrotropic crystals. On the base of the symmetry analysis
it is shown that in the crystals that belong to the planar and axially-inversion
point groups of the symmetry (-43m, -6m2, -6, 3m, 6mm, 4mm) optical activity
can be induced by the electrogyration effect caused by the photorefractivity.
In the crystals that belong to the point group of symmetry 6mm, 4mm, 3m,
-6, -6m2 optical activity can be induced by photovoltaic and linear electrogyration
effects while in the crystals that belong to the -43m group of the symmetry
- by photovoltaic and quadratic electrogyration effects. The electrogyration
effect in the LiNbO3 crystal was experimentally investigated.
The component of electrogyration tensor was determined as g41=(3.39±1.3)´10-12m/V
and electrogyration diffraction effectivity was calculated: h=1.5%.
It was shown that the diffraction of light on the electrogyration photorefractive
grating should be only anisotropical
Key words: electrogyration, photorefraction effect, optical activity
doi 10.3116/16091833/2/2/86/2001 |
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http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s003400050398 |