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Visualization of Space-Charge Waves in Photorefractive
Semiconductor Using Polarimetric Technique
1Shcherbin K., 1Danylyuk
V., 2Khomenko A.
of Physics of NAS, 46 Prospekt Nauki, 03650 Kiev, Ukraine
de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior
de Ensenada, Km. 107 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada, Ensenada, B.C. 22860,
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We suggest visualizing space-charge waves (SCW) in the near field in
homogeneously illuminated photorefractive crystal, using modulation of
optical polarization induced by the SCW due to the Pockels effect. Spatial
distribution of SCW is obtained in the near field for a photorefractive
semiconductor placed between polarizers. It is shown that the internal
field in the crystal is not homogeneous, the SCW at different points are
excited with different amplitudes and their structure is not perfectly
regular. Qualitative agreement of existing theoretical model with our experimental
data is demonstrated. Using the model, the mobility-lifetime product for
the free carriers and the effective trap concentration are estimated.
Keywords: space-charge waves, photorefraction, cadmium telluride
PACS: 42.65.Hw; 42.70.Nq; 52.35.Mw; 72.80.Ey
doi 10.3116/16091833/7/4/164/2006 |
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