Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  3, Volume 7,  2006

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Conoscopic Patterns for Optically Uniaxial Gyrotropic Crystals in the Vicinity of Isotropic Point 
Vasylkiv Yu., Nastishin Yu., Vlokh R.

Institute of Physical Optics, 23 Dragomanov St., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine

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We have presented computer simulations of conoscopic patterns occurring in optically uniaxial gyrotropic crystals in the vicinity of isotropic point for a number of sets of crystal parameters and orientations. The appearance of special directions characterized by equalization of linear and circular birefringences has been revealed.

Key words: conoscopic patterns, gyrotropic crystals, isotropic point

PACS: 33.55.-b, 42.25.Lc, 42.25.Hz

doi 10.3116/16091833/7/3/89/2006

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