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Analysis of Singularity Properties of the Radiation Field in Low-Mode Optical Fibres  
Alexeyev A.N., Alexeyev C.N., Fadeyeva T.A., Volyar A.V.

Physics Department, V.I. Vernandsky Taurida National University 4 Vernadsky Ave., 95007 Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine

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We analyze the physical processes in optical fibres on the basis of the radiation field emitted from the output end. It is demonstrated that one can judge about the excitation coefficients of the guided modes in ideal optical fibres from the position of singularity point and equal intensity lines. We have obtained dependence of the excitation coefficients of guided optical vortices (OV) upon the displacement of the OV incident on the input fibre end. It is shown that the motion of the singularity point at the output end is caused by the rotational Doppler effect.

Keywords: optical vortex, singularity, optical fibre
PACS: 41.85.-p; 42.81.-i; 47.32.Cc
Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 7 11-17  doi: 10.3116/16091833/7/1/11/2006
Received: 17.11.2005 



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(c) Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics