Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  1, Volume 3,  2002

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Indices of fermentativ activity of periphery blood during the treatment of purulent wounds of children by low-intensive radiation of infrared laser 
1Dyadyura A.M., 2Volyar A.V., 1Nikiforov K.E.

1Crimean State Medical University, 5/7 Parkway Lenina, Simferopol, 95006, Crimea, Ukraine
2Tavrida National University, 2 Yaltinskaya St., Simferopol, 95007, Crimea, Ukraine

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The application of the modulated infrared laser of the wavelength of 10.6 um at the complex treatment purulent wound is described. By the conduction of the citochemical studying of the complex dehydronasis in neutrofilis of periphery blood the protective effect of the low-intensive CO2 laser is revealed on example of normalization citochemical indices in neutrofils periphery blood: in a experimental group – by 5-7 days, in a control group – by 10-14 days.

doi 10.3116/16091833/3/1/48/2002

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