Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  1, Volume  2, March  2001

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Application of wavelet transformation in analysis of signals obtained from optoelectronic device  
1Wojcik W., 2Gotra Z., 1Kotyra A.

1 Technical University of Lublin, 38 Nadbystrzycka Str., Lublin, Poland
2 National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, 12 Bandera Str., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine

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The paper discusses problems, which arise during monitoring of combustion process in the industrial power boilers. The light-guide device for flame monitoring in industrial conditions is described. Wavelet transformation was used for signal analysis. The sensitivity of Daubechies and Coiflet wavelets to changes of a flame pulsation signal has been tested.

Key words: flame, light-guide, wavelet transformation, sensitivity

doi 10.3116/16091833/2/1/40/2001

1. Wójcik W, 1999. Optica Applicata  XXIX: 201-212.
2. Wójcik W, 1977. Technology and Applications of Lightguides. Proceedings of SPIE 3189: 74-82.
3. Wójcik W, Bieganski T,    Kotyra  A, Smolarz A, 1997. Technology and Applications of Lightguides Proceedings of SPIE 3189: 100-109.
4. Wójcik W, 1997. Conference Proceedings. EUROSENSORS XI Warsaw 3: 997-1000.
5. Wojcik W, Kotyra A, Smolarz A, Wojciechowski C, 1999. Proceedings VII Conf. “Waveguides and its applications” Krasnobrod, 11: 438-445.

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