Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  2, Volume  1, 2000
Other articles in this issue
Optical anisotropy of the crystals at the nonuniform fields 
Vlokh R., Kostyrko M.

Institute of Physical Optics, Laboratory of gradient optics and polarimetry, 23 Dragomanov Str., 79005, L’viv, Ukraine

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In this paper a review of the parametrical crystallooptical effects at the influence of the nonhomogeneous fields is presented. It is shown that the parametrical crystallooptics at the static nonhomogeneous fields is the particular branch of the nonlinear optics in which spatial dispersion is taken into account. The coupling spatial dispersion phenomena and gradient crystallooptical effects is shown on the phenomenological level as well as description of the influence of the multicomponent fields on the behavior of the optical indicatrix is realized. It is shown that the mechanical bending and twisting deformations could be described as axial second rank tensor. The experimental investigations of the influence of the nonuniform mechanical strain and temperature field on the refractive and gyrotropy properties of LiNbO3 and NaBi(MoO4)2 crystals are presented

Key words: parametrical crystallooptics, nonuniform fields, gyration, nonlinear optics, electrooptics, thermooptics, piezooptics, gradient fields phenomena

doi: 10.3116/16091833/1/2/65/2000


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