Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  1, Volume  1, 2000
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Dielectric properties ofPb5Ge3O11: Cu2+ crystals 
Kudzin A.Yu., Volnianskii M.D., Duda V.M., Trubitsyn M.P., Ermakov A.S.

Physical Department of Dnipropetrovsk State University, 13 Naukoviy side-str. Dnipropetrovsk, 320625 Ukraine

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The peculiarities of dielectric behavior caused by off-center Cu2+ ions relaxation dynamics in Pb5Ge3O11 crystals are presented. The relaxation frequency (t0-1 @1012 sec-1) and activation energy (D W = 0.24 eV) of Cu2+ thermal hopping between off-center positions are coincided with results of ESR experiment. Observed additional dielectric loss peaks may be attributed to OH- groups located in structural tunnels along polar axis

Key words: dielectric relaxation, off-center impurity ion, structural tunnels, hydroxyl group

doi: 10.3116/16091833/1/1/53/2000


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