Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  1, Volume  1, 2000
Other articles in this issue
Structure, defects and phase transitions in the III group monohalides 
Kolinko M.I., Bovgyra O.V., Nevidomskyy A.Hr.

Ivan Franko L'viv National University, 79005, 8 Kyryl and Mefodiy Str., L'viv, Ukraine

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The influence of the defect subsystem on the exhibition of incommensurate phase in crystals of halides of metals of the third group was investigated. The correlation has been found between the quality of specimens and the incommensurate parameter. The nature of chemical bonding and aspects of structural disordering are discussed

Key words: ferroelastics, phase transitions, chemical bonding

doi: 10.3116/16091833/1/1/49/2000


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