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Piezooptical constants of Rochelle salt crystals
Stadnyk V.Yo., Romanyuk M.O., Kurlyak V.Yu., Vachulovych V.F.
Ivan Franko L'viv National University, 8 Kyryl and Mefodiy
Str., L'viv, 79005, Ukraine
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The influence of uniaxial mechanical pressure applied along the principal
axes and the corresponding bisectors on the birefringent properties of
Rochelle salt (RS) crystals are studied. The temperature (77-300 K) and
spectral (300-700 nm) dependencies of the effective
and absolute piezooptical constants
of the RS crystals are calculated. The intercept of dispersion curves of
is revealed in the region of the birefringence sign inversion. This testifies
that the anizotropy of the piezooptical constant tensor decreases there.
The temperature dependencies of absolute piezooptical constants do not
manifest notable anomalies in the region of phase transitions of the Rochelle
Key words: uniaxial mechanical pressure, birefringence,
combined and absolute piezooptical constants
doi: 10.3116/16091833/1/1/19/2000 |
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