Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  1, Volume  1, 2000
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Optical properties of crystals with incommensurate structure of Lifshitz’s type 
Vlokh O.G.

Institute of Physical Optics, 23 Dragomanov Str., L'viv 79005, Ukraine

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A review of optical properties of A2BX4 group crystals with incommensurate modulated structure of Lifshitz’s type a.i. crystals, which characterize nonequitranslation unit cell of high temperature and ordering - low temperature phases is done. The characteristics features of birefringence, optical activity, light absorption and the effects induced by the external influences (temperature, pressure, electric fields and mechanical stresses, X-ray radiation, as well as their gradients) are considered in this paper. It is shown that different types of interaction between defects or impurities and structural elements (pinning, viscous interaction, nucleation and annihilation of phase solitons or commensurate-incommensurate states (so-called discommensuration)) manifest themselves in the anomalies of optical phenomena in the incommensurate phases

Key words: Incommensurate modulated structures, phase transitions, crystallooptics, birefringence, optical activity, light absorption

doi: 10.3116/16091833/1/1/1/2000


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