Orest VLOKH, Professor,
Founder, First Director of the Institute of Physical Optics


Vlokh Orest-Stepan Grygorovich. 
 July 2, 1934 - May 4, 2009 
Place of birth: Lviv-Vinniki, Ukraine.

Education and labor activity:
1952 - 1957- Studying in the University of L’viv, department of physics. 

1960 - 1963 - Post graduate student of the Institute of Crystallography of Acad.Sc. of USSR (Moscow). 
1963 - Ph.D. degree, dissertation title "Electrooptical properties of some crystals". 
1963 -1965 - Assistant Professor of Experimental Physics Department (Lviv University). 
1965 - 1979 - Assoc. Professor of Experimental Physics Department (Lviv University). 
1979 - Habilitation degree, dissertation title “Parametrical phenomena’s in crystallooptics (Electrooptic, Electrogyration)” 
Since 1981 - Full Professor. 
1979 - 1995 - Head of the department of Nonlinear optics (L’viv University). 
1982 - 1985 - Director of the Special Drawing Office “Modulator”. 
1990 - 1994 - Deputy of Ukrainian Parliament (Supreme Rada). 
Since 1992 - Director of the Institute of Physical Optics of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 
Since 1997 - Academician of the Academy of Science of Higher Education of Ukraine, Head of the Academy West-Ukrainian Scientific Center. 
Since 2001 - Vice President of the Academy of Science of Higher Education of Ukraine

Scientific activity
In Former Soviet Union:

In Ukraine:

Social and political activity



  1. Âëîõ Î.Ã.Ñó÷àñí³ñòü, Ìþíõåí, 1989, ñ.103-106 (ïåðåäðóê ç ãàçåòè “Ë³òåðàòóðíà Óêðà¿íà”).
  2. Âëîõ Î.Ã. Íàóêà ³ äåðæàâà, çá.”Íàóêà ³ îñâ³òà”, êíèãà 1, ñ.237-241.
  3. Âëîõ Î., Ãàéäà Ð., Ïëÿöêî Ð. Ðåíòãåí ÷è Ïîëþé? Ïðî îäíó “á³ëó ïëÿìó” â ³ñòî𳿠íàóêè, Íàóêà ³ ñóñï³ëüñòâî, 1989, N4, ñ.18-25.
  4. Âëîõ Î., Ãàéäà Ð., Ïëÿöêî Ð. Äîëÿ â÷åíîãî â äîë³ Óêðà¿íè.  êíèç³ “Àêñ³îìè äëÿ íàùàäê³â”, Ëüâ³â, “Ìåìîð³àë”, 1992, ñ.183-207.



  1. Vlokh O.G. Electrodynamics in the nonlinear optics. Pub.House of Lviv University, 1983, (In Ukr.).
  2. Vlokh O.G. Phenomena’s of spatial dispersion in parametrical crystallooptics. L’viv, “Vyscha shkola” 1984 (in Russ.).
  3. Vlokh O.G., Kityk A.V. Crystalline dielectrics with the incommensurate modulated structure. in Pub.House of L’viv Technical University, 2003, (In Ukr.).
  4. Vlokh O.G., Vlokh R.O. (Translation of the book of R.Hunsparger) Integrated Optics: Theoty and Technology. (to be published in Ukr.), Pub.House of Institute of Phys.Opt.

Author of more then 500 scientific publications and 40 patents.

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