Юрій Адамович
Народився 12.04.1962 р. 
у с. Загвіздя Івано-Франківського р-ну
Івано-Франківської обл. 

Сімейний стан: одружений, має сина та доньку.


    1984 - закінчив навчання у Львівському державному університеті ім. Ів. Франка (фізичний факультет)
    1990 - захистив дисертацію на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата фіз.-мат. наук "Дослідження спонтанно-деформованих станів одновісних рідких кристалів"
    1996 - отримав звання старшого наукового співробітника
    2006 - захистив дисертацію на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора фіз.-мат. наук "Оптична анізотропія деформованих та дефектних структур в рідких кристалах"


    1984 - 1994 Інженер, аспірант, науковий співробітник, завідувач лабораторії НДС Львівського державного університету ім. Ів. Франка; 
    1994 - 2007 – завідувач лабораторії, вчений секретар, провідний науковий співробітник Інституту фізичної оптики  імені О.Г. Влоха МОН України
    3 2007 - завідувач сектору біооптики та рідких кристалів Інституту фізичної оптики імені О.Г. Влоха МОН України.

    Наукові інтереси

    Дефекти в рідких кристалах.

    Експериментальні дослідження TGBA-фаз.
    Оптичне охарактеризування деформованих рідких кристалів.
    Оптичні вимірювання нематичного полярного зчеплення.
    Реологічні властивості хіральних рідких кристалів.
    Фазові діаграми і фізичні властивості ліотропних рідких кристалів.

Вибрані наукові статті:
  1. O.D.Lavrentovich and Yu.A.Nastishin, Division of drops of a liquid crystal in the case of the cholesteric-to-smectic A phase transition.- JETP Lett., v.40, p.1015-1019 (1984).
  2. O.D.Lavrentovich and Yu.A.Nastishin, Thermomechanical effect in thedeformed nematic liquid crystal.- Ukrainian Fiz. Zhurn., v.32, p.710-712 (1987), in Russian.
  3. O.D.Lavrentovich and Yu.A.Nastishin, Defects with nontrivial topological charges in hybrid-aligned films of nematic liquid crystal.- Sov. Phys.- Crystallogr. (USA), v.34, p.914-917 (1987)
  4. O.D.Lavrentovich and Yu.A.Nastishin, Quasicrystalline intermediate structure between cholesteric and smectic A phases.- Ukrainian Fiz. Zhurn., v.35, p.221-223 (1990), in Russian
  5. Vlokh O.G., Nastishin Yu.A, Polovinko I.I., Sveleba S.A., The manifestation of the incommensuration in optical properties of blue liquid crystal phases.- Pis'ma Zhurn Techn. Fiz., v.16, 17, p.22-33 (1990), in Russian
  6. O.D.Lavrentovich, Yu.A.Nastishin, Defects in degenerate hybrid aligned nematic liquid crystals.- Europhys.Lett., v.13, p.135-141 (1990)
  7. O.D.Lavrentovich, Yu.A.Nastishin, V.I.Kulishov, Yu.S.Narkevich, A.S.Tolochko, S.V.Shianovskii, Helical smectic A.- Europhys.Lett., v.13, p.313-318 (1990)
  8. Vlokh O.G., Yu.Nastishin, T.M.Sosnowskii, New features of physical properties of blue liquid crystal phases.- Pis'ma Zhurn. Techn. Fiz., v.18, 9, p. 43-48 (1992), in Russian
  9. O.D.Lavrentovich and Yu.A.Nastishin, Optical Bragg diffraction of the helical smectic A liquid crystal.- Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., v.221, p.57-60 (1992)
  10. O.G.Vlokh, Yu.A.Nastishin and T.M.Sosnowskii, Effect of defects on the physical properties of the blue phase of liquid crystals.- Sov.Phys.- Crystallogr. Rep., v.36, 6,, p.860-861 (1993)
  11. Yu.A.Nastishin, E.Lambert, Ph.Boltenhagen. Temperature-induced structural transitions of the quasiternary system cetylpyridinium chloride-hexanol-brine. C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, t.321, Serie IIb, p.205-210 (1995)
  12. Yu.A.Nastishin. Brine-rich corner of the phase diagram of the ternary system cetylpyridinium cloride-hexanol-brine. Langmuir, 12, 21, p. 5011-5015 (1996)
  13. Yu.A.Nastishin. Temperature investigations of the system cetylpyridinium chlorid-hexanol-brine. Ukrainian Fiz. Zhurn., 41, 2, p.185-189 (1996), in Ukrainian
  14. Gotra Z.Yu., Nastishin Yu.A., Smalyukh I.I., Senyuk B.I. Visnyk (Lviv State University "Lviv Politekhnik", Serie "Automation, Measurement, Operation", 305, p.91-98 (1996), in Ukrainian
  15. Yu.A.Nastishin. Pretransitional electroconductivity of the L alppha phase. Ukrainian Fiz. Zhurn., 42,1, pp.168-172 (1997), in Ukrainian
  16. Yu.A.Nastishin, O.B.Dovgyi.Surface induced L alpha layer in the sponge phase of the lyotropic system. Ukrainian Fiz. Zhurn, 42, 4, pp.430-432 (1997), in Ukrainian
  17. Yu.A.Nastishin. The exchange of the cosurfactant  between surfactant aggregates and solvent in the lyotropic system. //Abstracts of the European Conference on liquit Crystals, Koscelisko Centre, Zakopane, Poland March 3-8, 1997, p.349.
  18. Yu.A.Nastishin. Pretransitional phenomena in the lamellar La phase. //Abstracts of the European Liquid Crystals Conference, Koscelisko Centre, Zakopane, Poland March 3-8, 1997, p.350.
  19. Yu.A.Nastishin, O.Dovgyi. Correlation between surface and bulk orientation of the La phase observed with the thickness dependence of the electroconductivity. //Abstracts of the European Liquid Crystals Conference on, Koscelisko Centre, Zakopane, Poland March 3-8, 1997, p. 351.
  20. Yu.A.Nastishin, O.Dovgyi. Thickness dependence of the electroconductivity in the lyotropic L3 (sponge) phase. //Abstracts of the European Liquid Crystals Conference, Koscelisko Centre, Zakopane, Poland March 3-8, 1997, p.352.
  21. Yu. A. Nastishin, I. I. Smalyukh. Pretransitional optical activity in the isotropic phase of cholesteric liquid crystal.//Abstracts of the European Liquid Crystals Conference, Koscelisko Centre, Zakopane, Poland March 3-8, 1997, p.226.
  22. Z. Yu. Gotra, Yu. A. Nastishin, I. I. Smalyukh, T. M. Sosnovskyi. Optical rotation in the supercooled blue phase.//Abstracts of the European Liquid Crystals Conference , Koscelisko Centre, Zakopane, Poland March 3-8, 1997, p.293.
  23. Z.Yu.Gotra, Yu.Nastishin, I.Smalyukh, B.Senyuk. Simulation of the anomalous light polarization rotation in the pretransitional isotropic phase region of the cholesteric liquid crystal. Materials of 1-st International modelling school- Crimea Autumn' 96, Alushta (Ukraine), September 12-17, pp. 101-103 (1996).
  24. Yu. A. Nastishin, I. I. Smalyukh, Surface influence on the properties of the isotropic phase of a chiral liquid crystal, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 3488, 142-149 (1997).
  25. Yu. A. Nastishin, I. I. Smalyukh, Z. Yu. Gotra, Observation of magneto-optical effect in the supercooled blue phase. SPIE Proceedings, Vol.3488, 149-157(1997).
  26. Yu. A. Nastishin, O. B. Dovgyi, A. Kostruba, The studies of the interface between the L3 (sponge) phase and a solid substrate, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 3488, 20-28 (1997)
  27. V.G.Nazarenko, A.K.St.Clair, Klouda, R.D.Polak, Yu. A Nastishin, O.D.Lavrentovich, Chemically imidized polyimide as an alignment material for LCDs. SID 98 DIGEST, 11.3, pp. 135-138.
  28. Yu.A.Nastishin, T.Shneider, O.D.Lavrentovich, Developable domains as nuclei of columnar lyotropic mesophases. Book of abstracts. Site visit for the NSF & ALCOM. Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent, OH, June 25-27, 1997, p.12
  29. Yu.A. Nastishin, I.I.Smalyukh. Pretransitional rotation of the light polarization plane in the isotropic phase of cholesteric liquid crystal. Optics and Spectroscopy v.85, No3, pp. 465-468 translated from  Optics and Spectroscopy, v.85, No3, pp507-511, (1998).
  30. Yu. A. Nastishin, I.I.Smalyukh. Influence of the magnetic field on the rotation of light polarisation plane in the cholesteric liquid crystal. Journal of Physical Studies, v.2, No 3 (1998) pp.335-338.
  31. Yu.A.Nastishin, O.B.Dovgyi. Thickness dependence of electroconductivity for lyotropic L alpha phase. Ukrainian Fiz. Zhurn, 43, 2, pp.233-237 (1998), in Ukrainian.
  32. D.Shenoy, K.Gruenberg, J.Naciri , R. Shashidhar, Yu.Nastishin, R.Polak and O.D.Lavrentovich. Device Properties and Polar Anchoring of Nematic molecules at photodimerized Surfaces. SPIE Preceedings, v.3635, p. 24-30
  33. Yu.A.Nastishin, R.D.Polak, S.V. Shiyanovskii and O.D.Lavrentovich. Determination of nematic polar anchoring from retardation versus voltage measurements. Appl.Phys.Lett., v.75, No 2, pp.202-204.
  34. Yu.A.Nastishin, R.D.Polak, S.V. Shiyanovskii, V.H.Bodnar and O.D.Lavrentovich. Nematic polar anchoring strength measured by electric field techniques. J.Appl.Phys., v.86, No 8, pp.4199-4213.
  35. I.I.Smalyukh, Yu.A.Nastishin. Optical polarization investigations of cholesteric blue phases. Ukrainian Fiz. Journal, v.45, No 8, pp.941-947 (2000)
  36. Yu.A.Nastishin, O.B.Dovgyi, A.M.Kostruba. Optical study of the interface between the thermotropic L3 (sponge) phase and solid substrate. Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics, 1, No2, pp. 96-102 (2000)
  37. Yu.A.Nastishin, M.Kleman, J.Malthete, T.N.Nguyen. Identification of a TGB A phase via its defects, Eur.Phys.J E., 5, 353-357 (2001)
  38. Yu.A.Nastishin, O.B.Dovgyi. Optical conoscopy of distorted uniaxial liquid crystals., Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics, 2, N2, 98-106 (2001).
  39. Yu.A.Nastishin, O.G.Vlokh, O.B.Dovgyi, Computer simulation of conoscopic patterns for gyrotropic birefringent crystals. Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics, 2, N3, 133-140 (2001).
  40. Yu.A.Nastishin, M.Kleman, O.B.Dovgyi. Textural and conoscopic studies of chiral liquid crystals possessing cholesteric – smectic A or cholesteric – TGBA –smectic A phase transitions. Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. Vol.3.  №1. pp. 1 – 11(2002).
  41. Nastishin Yu.A., Achard M.F., Nguyen H.T., Kleman M. Textural analysis of a mesophase with banana shaped molecules // Eur.Phys. J. E. – 2003. – 12. - P.581-591.
  42. Asnacios S., Meyer C., Nastishin Yu. A., Kleman M. and Malthete J. Rheological properties of chiral liquid crystals possessing a cholesteric-smectic A transition // Liquid Crystals. – 2004. - 31, 4. -  P.593-599.
  43. Pishnyak O.P., Nastishin Yu.A. and Lavrentovich O.D., Comment on "Self-organized periodic photonic structure in a nonchiral liquid crystal" // Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004. – 93, 10. - P.109401-1.
  44. Kleman M., Lavrentovich O.D. and Nastishin Yu.A. Dislocation and disclination in mesomorphic phases. In Dislocations in Solids. v.12. Ed. by F.R.N. Nabarro and J.P. Hirth. –Elsevier, 2004. - P. 147-271.
  45. O.P.Pishnyak, Yu.A. Nastishin, O.B.Dovgyi, S.V.Shiyanovskii and O.D.Lavrentovich. Conoscopic Magnetic Null to measure the pretilt angle // Great Lakes Photonics Symposium, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 7-11 June, 2004. - Programme and Book of Presentations (on CD).
  46. Nastishin Yu.A., Liu H., Shiyanovskii S.V., Lavrentovich O.D. and Kostko A., Anisimov M. Pretransitional fluctuations in the isotropic phase of a lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal // Phys.Rev.E. – 2004. - 70. - P.051706:1-9.
  47. Pansu B., Nastishin Y., Imperor-Clerc M., Veber M., Nguyen H. T. New Investigations on the tetragonal liquid crystalline phase or SmQ // Eur.Phys.J.E. – 2004. - 15. -  P.225-230 .
  48. Achard M.-F., Kleman M., Nastishin Yu.A., Nguyen H.-T. Liquid crystall helical ribbons as isometric textures // Eur. Phys. J.E. – 2005. – 16. – P.37-47.
  49. M. Kleman, C.Meyer, Yu.A. Nastishin . Imperfections in Focal Conic Domains: The Role of Dislocations // ArXiv:cond-mat/0507024, v1, 1Jul 2005.
  50. C.Meyer, Yu.A. Nastishin, M. Kleman. Transformations des domaines a coniques focales au voisinage de la transition Smectique A-Nematique // 12eme Colloque Francophone sur Cristaux Liquides,  13-16 Septembre, 2005. – Montpellier. France. Abstracts. – P.9 (O3).
  51. O.Pishnyak, Yu. Nastishin, and O. D. Lavrentovich. Applications of SmA liquid crystals for light deflection. // Great Lakes Photonics Symposium, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 7-11 June, 2004; Liquid Crystals in Optics & Photonics conference, Fall 2005 Meetting of the Great Lakes SPIE Regional Chapter, October 27-28, 2005. - Kent, Ohio, USA. Abstracts and Programme
  52. Nastishin Yu. A., Liu H., Schneider T., Nazarenko V., Vasyuta R., Shiyanovskii S.V. and Lavrentovich O.D. Optical characterization of the nematic lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals: light absorption, birefringence, and scalar order parameter // Phys.Rev. E. – 2005. – 72, N4. – P.041711:1-14
  1. Vlokh, I., Nechiporeko, I., Hul, A., Moroz, O., Grinchishin, N., Dudok, K., Dudok, T., Nastishin, Yu., Vlokh, R. Optical marking of alcohol induced hemoglobin modification. Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics Volume 10, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-21.
  2. Yu.A. Nastishin, O.P. Boiko, R.M. Vasyuta, V.M. Pergamenshchik, V.G. Nazarenko, O.D. Lavrentovich Photoinduced reorientation of light-absorbing lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal. Ukrainian journal of Physics. 2009, 54, N 1/2. p. 86-92.
  1. V. G. Nazarenko, O. P. Boiko, M. I. Anisimov, A. K. Kadashchuk, Yu. A. Nastishin, A. B. Golovin, and O. D. Lavrentovich.Lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal semiconductors for water-solution processable organic electronics. Appl. Phys. Lett. – 2010. – Vol. 97. – 263305 (3 pages).
  2. C. Meyer, H. Logbo, B. Briouel, J.-C. Picot, Y. A. Nastishin, M. Kleman. Double helical defects in Smectic A and Smectic A* phases.  Liq. cryst. – 2010. – 37 (8). – P. 1047-1057.
  3. Claire Meyer, Yuriy Nastishin, Maurice Kleman. Helical defects in smectic-A and smectic-A* phases.  Phys. Rev. E. – 2010. – Vol. 82. – Issue 3. – 031704. – 12 pages.
  4. V. G. Nazarenko, O. P. Boiko, H.-S. Park, O. M. Brodyn, M. M. Omelchenko, L. Tortora, Yu., A. Nastishin, and O. D. Lavrentovich. Surface Alignment and Anchoring Transitions in Nematic Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystal.  Phys. Rev. Lett. – 2010. – 105(1). – 017801 (4 pages).
  5. Golovin A.B., Xiang J., Nastishin Y.A., Lavrentovich O.D.  Electrically reconfigurable optical metamaterials based on orientationally ordered dispersions of metal nano-rods in dielectric fluids.  Proceedings of SPIE. – The International Society for Optical Engineering. – 2010. – 7775, art. no. 777502.
  1. Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Andrii B. Golovin, Jie Xiang and Yuriy A. Nastishin. Nanorods in an electric field create liquid crystals for transformation optics. SPIE Newsroom, 14 January 2011, p.1-3, DOI: 10.1117/2.1201012.003315 (2011)
  2. Andrii B. Golovin, Jie Xiang, Heung-Shik Park, Luana Tortora, Yuriy A. Nastishin, Sergij V. Shiyanovskii and Oleg D. Lavrentovich. Electro-Optic Effects in Colloidal Dispersion of Metal Nano-Rods in Dielectric Fluid. Materials, 4, p. 390-416 (2011)
  3. Yu. A. Nastishin, S. Yu. Nastyshyn. Explicit representation of Extended Jones Matrix for oblique light propagation through a crystalline slab. Ukr. J .Phys.Opt. 12, 4, 191-201 (2011)
  1. Shuang Zhou, Yu. A. Nastishin, M. M. Omelchenko, L. Tortora, V. G. Nazarenko, O. P. Boiko, T. Ostapenko, T. Hu, C. C. Almasan, S. N. Sprunt, J. T. Gleeson, and O. D. Lavrentovich. Elasticity of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals probed by director reorientation in magnetic field. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 037801-5 (2012)
  1. Yu. A. Nastishin, and S. Yu. Nastyshyn. Differential and integral extended Jones matrices for oblique light propagation through a deformed crystal. Phys. Rev. A, 87, 033810 (2013)
  2. Tanya Ostapenko, Yuriy Nastishin, Peter Collings, Samuel Sprunt, Oleg D. Lavrentovich and Jim T. Gleeson. Aggregation, Pretransitional Behavior, and Optical Properties in the Isotropic Phase of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals Studied in High Magnetic Fields. Soft Matter, 9, 9487-9498 (2013),  DOI: 10.1039/c3sm51819a
  3. Nastishin Yu. A. and Dudok T. H. Optically pumped mirrorless lasing. A review. Part I. Random lasing . Ukr. J. Phys. Opt., V14, №3, pp.146-170 (2013).
  1. Dudok T. H., and Nastishin Yu. Optically pumped mirrorless lasing. A Review. Part II. Lasing in photonic crystals and microcavities. Ukr. J. Phys. Opt., V15, №2, pp.47-67 (2014).
  2. Shuang Zhou,  Krishna Neupane,   Yuriy A. Nastishin,  Alan R. Baldwin,   Sergij V. Shiyanovskii,   Oleg D. Lavrentovich and   Samuel Sprunt.  Elasticity, viscosity, and orientational fluctuations of a lyotropic chromonic nematic liquid crystal disodium cromoglycate. Soft Matter, 2014, DOI: 10.1039/C4SM00772G
  3. Oleg D. Lavrentovich,  Yuriy A. Nastyshyn, Vassili G. Nazarenko, Roman M. Vasyuta,  Oleksandr P. Boiko, Ye Yin, Sergij V. Shiyanovskii. HOMEOTROPIC AND HYBRID BULK ALIGNMENT OF LYOTROPIC CHROMONIC LIQUID CRYSTALS. United States Patent N0.: US 8,704,977 B2, Date of Patent: Apr. 22, 2014
  4. Dudok T. H., Krupych O. M., Savaryn V. I., Cherpak V. V., Fechan A. V., Gudeika D., Grazulevicius J. V., Pansu B. and Nastishin Yu. A. Lasing in a cholesteric liquid crystal doped with derivative of triphenylamine and 1,8-naphthalimide, and optical characterization of the materials. Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 15, 3, 162-172 (2014).
  5. Dudok T. H., Savaryn V. I., Fechan A.V., Cherpak V. V., Pansu B. and  Nastishin Yu. A. Dot lasers: isotropic droplets in a cholesteric matrix, and vice versa. Ukr. J. Phys. Opt., Volume 15, Issue 4, p. 227-232 (2014)

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