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Potentiality of experimental
analysis for characteristics of the Poynting vector components
Khrobatin R., Mokhun I., Viktorovskaya J.
Chernivtsi University, 2 Kotsiubynskiy St., 58012 Chernivtsi,
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Potentiality of experimental analysis for the averaged Poynting vector
components is considered. It is shown that joint application of traditional
interferometry and Stocks polarimetry should allow for determining unambiguously
characteristics of the Poynting vector components at each point of field.
Keywords: vortex, polarization singularities,
Poynting vector, angular momentum
PACS: 42.50.Ct
UDC : 535.3, 535.4
Ukr. J. Phys. Opt.
doi: 10.3116/16091833/9/3/182/2008
Received: 18.03.2008
After revision: 14.05.2008
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