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Light-induced Freedericksz
transition and optical multistability in nematic liquid crystals
Miroshnichenko A.E., Pinkevych I., Kivshar
Nonlinear Physics Centre and Centre for Ultra-High Bandwidth
Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS), Research School of Physical Sciences
and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
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We revisit the problem of light transmission through a slab of homeotropically
oriented nematic liquid crystal and solve self-consistently a system of
coupled nonlinear equations describing orientation of the nematic director
in the slab and the Maxwell equation for the electric field. We demonstrate
that optical transmission of the slab as a function of input power shows
a multistable hysteresis-like behaviour. We suggest that this multistability
can be useful for creating tunable all-optical switching devices based
on the liquid-crystal infiltration of photonic crystals.
Keywords: optical Freedericksz transition,
liquid crystal, optical bistability
PACS: 42.25, 42.65.- k, 42.70.Df, 64.70.Md
Ukr. J. Phys. Opt.
8 61-68 doi: 10.3116/16091833/8/2/61/2007
Received: 16.02.2007
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