Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  1, Volume 5,  2004

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Spectroscopic Study of Haemoglobin Ligand Forms and Erythrocyte Membrane Dynamics at Alcohol Intoxication of White Rats 
1,2Dudok K.P., 1,3Moroz O.M., 1Dudok T., 1,3Vlokh I., 1Vlokh R.

1Institute of Physical Optics, 23 Dragomanov Str., 79005 Lviv , Ukraine
2Biochemical Department, Lviv National University, 4 Hrushevsky Str.,  79005 Lviv, Ukraine
3Scientific Research Laboratory, Lviv State Medical University, 69 Pekarska Str.,  79010 Lviv, Ukraine

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The results of spectroscopic studies are presented for desoxy-, oxy-, carboxy-, sulf- and methhaemoglobins of white rats and their posterity under the conditions of a durable (1 to 6 months) alcohol intoxication. The changes in the dynamics of oxy- and methhaemoglobin are found for the animals having consumed 15%-ethanol during 1-4 months. It is also found that structural and functional properties of erythrocyte membranes have changed for the white rats that consumed ethanol during 4-6 months. The increased sensitivity of erythrocytes to the action of haemolytic agents is detected for the posterity of alcoholized parents. The obtained results show that alcohol intoxication influences not only the structural and functional properties of periphery blood erythrocytes but also the nemogenous system.

PACS: 42.66.-p, 33.55.-b
Key words: spectroscopy, haemoglobin, ligand forms, erythrocytes, alcoholism

doi 10.3116/16091833/5/1/32/2004

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