Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  1, Volume 5,  2004

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About the Possibility of Linearization of Quadratic Cotton-Mouton Birefringence Change due to kH-Effect. The Case of CdS Crystals 
Vlokh R., Adamenko D., Klymiv I., Vlokh O.

Institute of Physical Optics, 23 Dragomanov Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine

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A possibility for appearance of the so-called kH-effect in crystals is analyzed, which originates from the light absorption, spatial dispersion and the influence of magnetic field. It is shown that the kH–effect can lead to linearization of the Cotton-Mouton effect. The coefficients of both the Cotton-Mouton ( n33b31-n13b11=2.8*10-15Oe-1) and the kH-effect ( d1112<0.72*10-20m/Oe) are obtained for CdS crystals.

Key words: nonreciprocal birefringence, spatial dispersion, magnetooptics
PACS: 78.20.Ls

doi 10.3116/16091833/5/1/14/2004

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12. Vlokh OG, 1982. Bulletin Lviv Univ. 16: 5.
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15. Vlokh OG, Sergatyook VA, 1988. Ferroel. 80: 313.
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18. Krichevtsov BB, Pisarev RV, Rzhevsky AA et al, 1998. Phys. Rev. B 57: 14611.

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