Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  1, Volume 5,  2004

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Thermal Expansion and Phase Transformation Observation in Cs2BX4 (B=Hg, Cd; X=Br, Cl) Crystals 
2. Cs2HgBr4 and Cs2CdBr4 crystals
Krupych O., Girnyk I., Trach I., Martunyuk-Lototska I., Vlokh R., Vlokh O.

Institute of Physical Optics, 23 Dragomanov Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine

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Photoelastic and acoustooptic (AO) parameters of Cs2HgBr4 and Cs2CdBr4 crystals are determined on the basis of studies for thermal expansion and optical indicatrix rotation at the ferroelastic (Fel) phase transition (PT) and the direct piezooptic measurements. It is shown that Cs2HgBr4 and Cs2CdBr4 crystals are good AO materials. Their photoelastic coefficients achieve respectively the values of p44=0.12 and p44=0.2, while the AO figures of merit are M2=126.5?10-15s3/kg for Cs2HgBr4 and M2=366.9?10-15s3/kg for Cs2CdBr4 crystals. From the obtained results it follows that, in both Cs2HgBr4 and Cs2CdBr4, the PT to the Fel phase 2/m is a first-order improper one, whereas the PT into the triclinic phase is of a second order. The orientations of domain walls in the Fel phase and the phase boundary between the incommensurate and Fel phases are determined.

PACS: 78.20.Hp, 77.84.-s
Key words: optical indicatrix, incommensurate structure, domain structure, thermal expansion.

doi 10.3116/16091833/5/1/8/2004

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