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The Luminescence of the Praseodymium - doped Strontium
Borate Sr4B14O25:Pr3+
1Kudrjavtcev D.P., 1Oseledchik Yu. S., 1Prosvirnin
A.L., 1Svitanko N.V., 2Petrov V.V.
1The Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy,
prospect Lenina 226, 69006 Zaporozhye, Ukraine
2The Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian
branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, ak.
Lavrent'eva street 13.
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The absorption and the luminescence spectra of the new Pr - doped strontium
borate Sr4B14O25:Pr3+ crystals were measured. The Sr4B14O25:Pr3+
crystal sample 5*5*9,6 mm3 in size was used for investigation. It was found
that the short - wave transparency edge of Sr4B14O25:Pr3+ is 227 nm. The
longwave absorption edge of spectra corresponds to 3200 nm The luminescence
spectra of the Sr4B14O25:Pr3+ crystal simples were measured by a laser
and lamp pump. A strong luminescence line was detected in the orange spectral
range l = 595 nm (1D2 ? 3H4 transition). The
polarizing dependence of the luminescence intensity out was
Keywords: luminescence, strontium borate, praseodymium-ion.
PACS: 78.55.-m
doi 10.3116/16091833/3/2/155/2002 |
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