Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  2, Volume 3,  2002

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Optical Properties of Langbeinites
Vlokh R., Vlokh O.V., Skab I., Girnyk I.

Institute of Physical Optics, laboratory of gradient optics, polarimetry and phase transitions, 23 Dragomanov Str., 79005, Lviv, Ukraine

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The review paper is devoted to the collection and analysis of experimental results obtained by different researches investigating the optical properties of langbeinites. This investigation in general consists of the electrooptical effect, optical activity, Raman scattering, crystallooptics of domains and temperature studying of the birefringence. Langbeinites with their simple structure and cubic symmetry could be model crystals for the development of the microscopic theory of electrooptical effect and optical activity. Most of the number of investigations concerning the domains configuration, temperature behavior of birefringence and Raman scattering were conducted in langbeinites because of quite an interesting and unusual sequence of structural phase transitions in these crystals. It is shown in the present paper that optical methods of investigations of phase transitions, particularly in langbeinites, lead to obtaining important information on the change of symmetry at phase transition, the temperature dependence of the order parameter and lattice dynamics.

PACS: 42,33.SS-b.,77.80.B,78.20.Jq,78.30.-J

doi 10.3116/16091833/3/2/144/2002

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