Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  2, Volume 3,  2002

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Structural transformations and optical absorption spectra of SbxSe1-x films 
Rubish V.M., Shtets P.P., Rubish V.V., Malesh V.I.

Uzhhorod National University, 54, Voloshyn St. 88000 Uzhhorod, Ukraine

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Thermo- and photostimulated processes of crystallization and amorphization of SbxSe1–x films (0.20 < x < 0.70) as well as their optical absorption spectra are studied. The effect of thermal annealing on the optical absorption spectra of the films is investigated and the temperatures Tp of their transition to the crystalline state are determined. Tp is shown to decrease with x. At the transition from the amorphous to the polycrystalline state transition the whole spectral range (0.60 < l < 2.70 mm) decreases non-selectively, which is related to the transformation of the film structure. The transmission spectra of the amorphized areas are similar to the spectra of freshly-evaporated films. The threshold intensities of crystallization and amorphization of SbxSe1–x films are determined.

Keywords: crystallization, amorphization, optical absorption spectra, phase transition, structural transformations

PACS: 73.61.Jc; 78.20.-e; 78.40.-q

doi 10.3116/16091833/3/2/130/2002

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