Tenth Anniversary
of founding of the Institute of Physical Optics
Vlokh O.
Institute of Physical Optics, 23 Dragomanov Str., 79005,
L’viv, Ukraine
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The Institute of Physical Optics was founded on the decree of The Cabinet
of Ministers of Ukraine of July 7 and a respective decree of the Ministry
of Education of Ukraine from September 18 1992 and is subordinated directly
to the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine. From the moment of
its foundation the principle directions of its scientific activity were
parametrical crystallooptics and optics of phase transitions, gradient
optical effects and optics of incommensurate structures, methods of optical
measurements, optical principles of storage and communication. During ten
years of its activity the subjects of study were expanded to biooptics,
optical tomography, optics of circular polarized waves, optics and acoustics
of phase transitions at high hydrostatic pressure, optics of liquid crystals,
optical spectroscopy (Raman scattering, absorption spectroscopy), technology
of crystal growth (including biocrystals), magnetooptics, nonlinear and
parametrical optics with accounting of spatial dispersion.
The most interesting scientific results of the Institute is the theoretical
description and founding of gradient effects of parametrical crystallooptics;
a complex study of the crystals with incommensurate structure (optical
and acoustical) and their real structure by the methods of Raman scattering
and AFM; founding and study of the new effects of the optics of circular
waves (acoustogyration diffraction of light, two beam circular refraction);
study of high order parametrical effects; founding of the “forbidden” domain
structure in ferroelastics, of spatial points on phase diagrams (isolated
point, “infinity” distant point); the study of absorption spectrums of
the hemoglobin of patients with mental affections; computer simulation
of the lattice dynamic of the incommensurate crystals; growth of borate
crystals with different isotope substitution, solid solutions of langbeinite,
protein crystals, et cetera.
An automated imaging polarimeter for the reconstruction of the strain
field distribution, an automated optical microscope for study of dynamic
processes, an automated dilatometer with the sensitivity of displacement
measurements 2nm, the creation of a magnetooptical facility for study high
magnetic fields are original developments of the Institute.
The results of scientific investigations were published in more than
700 scientific papers, abstracts, patents and books. The Institute conducted
the International Meeting on parametrical crystallooptics (Paraopt-2001)
and 1-st Ukrainian Workshop on ferroelectricity (1999). A Ukrainian Journal
of Physical Optics was founded and is being published by the Institute.
During ten years 12 co-workers obtained a Ph.D. degree and 3 – a Habilitation
degree on the speciality “optics, laser physics”. Many of them prolonged
their postdoctoral education in the foremost Universities around the world
- Waseda University, Vienna University, Paris University, Saarbrucken University,
et cetera.
For 10 years the Institute has been the leading center of three state
scientific programs of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine.
doi 10.3116/16091833/3/2/68/2002 |