Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 

Number  4, Volume  2,  2001

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Optical and dilatative properties of diglycine nitrate crystals  
1Andriyevsky B., 2Czapla Z., 3Kardash V., 2Dacko S., 3Dumka Yu., 3Kurlyak V.

1Faculty of Electronics, Technical University of Koszalin, 17 Partyzantow Str., PL-75-411, Koszalin, Poland
2Institute of Experimental Physics, Wroclaw University, Pl. M. Borna 9, PL-50-204, Wroclaw, Poland
3Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 8 Kyryl and Mefodiy Str., 79005, Lviv Ukraine

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Investigation of the thermal linear expansion L(T) and temperature dependences of the interference optical path difference D(T) have been carried out for diglycine nitrate (DGN) crystals, (NH2CH2COOH)2xHNO3, in the range of 130-295K. Minimums of the temperature dependences of anisotropy degrees of dilatative (AL) and refractive (An-1) characteristics near Tc = 206K show effective disordering of the crystal at phase transition.

Keywords: ferroelectrics, dilatative and refractive properties

doi 10.3116/16091833/2/4/211/2001

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